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关于维语论文范文 探析英汉恭维语差异原因相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:维语论文 更新时间:2024-04-15


【摘 要】隨着社会的发展, 恭维语是人类言语交际的一种重要形式.各种语言中的恭维语间有很大的差异.本文从这些差异探讨影响英汉恭维语差异的原因.

【关键词】英汉恭维语 差异 原因

【Abstract】With the development of society, compliments are an important form of human speech communication. There are many differences between compliments in different languages. This paper explores the reasons for the differences between English and Chinese compliments according to these differences.

【Key words】English and Chinese compliments; Differences; Reasons

I. Introduction

Compliment is one kind of speech act which is used frequently both in Chinese and English.In cross-cultural communication, cultural barriers are the biggest obstacles to the effective information exchange and they may cause misunderstandings even hurt others.The research of reasons on compliment speech acts is essential to avoid misunderstanding and embarrassment. Next, a detailed comparison shows differences between the English and Chinese compliments on beliefs and thinking patterns.

II. Reasons for the Differences in Compliment Speech Acts

2.1 Different Beliefs

China is an agricultural country and people have to survive by depending on one and another. People tend to be collective not individual. Confucianism has been the dominant ethic, so giving and accepting compliments are influenced by Confucianism. Chinese people live with each other by cooperation, by supporting each other, by saving others’ faces and they don’t elevate themselves above others. Confucianism emphasizes interpersonal harmony. Therefore, people believe that attributes such as saving one’ face, group cooperation and concerning for others are connected with the collective spirit. In this way, they can maintain warm feelings and get along well with each other.

Nevertheless, the English nations inherit the innovation ideas, new dissemination from the ancient Greek and Rome civilization.The English nations have long believed Christianity, and its holy book, the Bible, has had a profound influences on the social thoughts. They stress competition rather than cooperation and they set their own interests above the needs of the whole. Christianity believed men were equally born. The heritage has great influences upon their verbal communication patterns, especially on complimenting behaviors.

2.2 Different Thought Patterns

The eastern view of the world is profoundly holistic. It sees the objects as the whole unit. While, the oriental tend to put humanity and nature together in harmonious and eternal inseparability. Chinese people treats Confucianism as its core ideology and they believe man should be in harmony with nature rather than manipulating it. Therefore, Chinese people usually advocate the spirit of taking the interests of the whole into consideration.



1、 英汉文化差异和英语教学 摘 要:本文介绍了英语教学中经常涉及到的英汉文化的主要差异,包括问候语和称谓词、感谢与表扬、色彩词、隐私与讳忌、与文化相关的成语、谚语和隐喻,说。

2、 英汉饮食习语文化差异其翻译策略 摘 要: 中、英两国地理环境、发展历史存在巨大差异,导致了汉语、英语的习语存在许多根本性不同,特别是在一些以饮食为主题的习语方面,差别尤为明显。。

3、 英汉幽默语表现手法上的趋同分析 【摘要】幽默语通常使用各种表现手法使信息更加生动有趣,其中修辞方法最为常用。本文分析了比喻、双关、夸张三种修辞方法,以表明英汉幽默语形成手法的趋。

4、 中学英语教学中英汉文化差异问题(1) 现代社会经济的发展促进了我国教育事业的发展,在课程教育改革的过程中,我国重点强调要加强对学生的素质教育,在学科知识的教学中要对学生的综合学科素养。

5、 英汉时空差异论视角下语篇衔接对比 内容摘要:本文立足于英汉时空差异论这一理论框架,探讨了英汉语篇在衔接上的主要差异,进一步验视了英语的时间性特质和汉语空间性特质这一论断,从而使英。