
关于气门论文范文 电控液压全可变气门驱动系统设计和分析相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:气门论文 更新时间:2024-04-13


摘 要:为了满足发动机设计及性能指标要求,比较分析国内外先进气门执行机构的优缺点,设计一种新型电控液压全可变气门驱动系统.在此基础上,建立气门驱动系统的数学、物理模型,借助MATLAB/Simulink计算平台搭建本系统计算仿真模型并用试验结果进行验证,保证了计算模型的可靠性.根据系统结构,详细分析了可控性参数旋转阀相位差角及蓄压器压力和发动机转速对气门最大升程、气门开启持续期、气门启闭时刻、气门速度及加速度的影响.研究结果表明,旋转阀相位差角通过改变气门开启持续期改变气门关闭时刻,但不影响气门开启段升程规律;蓄压器压力对气门最大升程有重要影响,但不改变气门开启持续期及启闭时刻;在不同发动机转速下,气门最大升程、关闭时刻均有改变;随着发动机转速的提高,气门升程断面积减小,气门关闭时刻推迟.


中图分类号:U464.134 文献标志码:A

Design and Analysis of Electro-hydraulic

Fully Variable Valve Actuation System

YANG Jing1,2,WANG Zichang1, WANG Yi1,3, LI Yangtao3, Amir Khajepour1,3, FENG Renhua2

(1. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Design and Manufacturing for Vehicle Body, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China;

2. Key Laboratory of Advanced Manufacture Technology for Automobile Parts, Ministry of Education,

Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054,China;

3. Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L3G1, Canada)

Abstract:In order to satisfy the requirements of design and performance of an internal combustion engine, all kinds of existing variable valve actuation systems were compared by analyzing their advantages and disadvantages, and a novel electro-hydraulic variable valve actuation system was then developed. Afterwards, a simulation model based on the mathematical and physical equations was developed through MATLAB/Simulink softwares, and the developed model was verified by experimental results. Furthermore, the effects of controllable parameters such as the phase angle difference between high and low pressure rotary valve, accumulator pressure and engine speed on maximum lift, valve open duration, and valve velocity and acceleration were investigated. The results showed that phase angle difference had limited influence on valve trajectory at the beginning section of lift, but changed the valve closing by altering valve open duration. The pressure of accumulator did not change the valve timing and its duration, but influenced significantly on the maximum valve lift. The maximum valve lift and valve closing were affected by the engine speed variance. Sectional area of valve lift decreased and valve closing delayed with the increasing engine speed.

Key words:internal combustion engine; variable valve timing; variable valve lift; valve velocity; fluid control;electro-hydraulic




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