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关于娃娃脸好处论文范文 长一张娃娃脸好处相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:娃娃脸好处论文 更新时间:2024-01-14


George Nelson was America’s most wanted man—a gangster so bloodthirsty, Al Capone booted him out of his gang for being too violent.2

On 20 April 1934, the police decided to get him. They’d been tipped off that he was staying at a lakeside hotel in Wisconsin, so they launched a secret operation to gun him down.3

But George Nelson had been blessed with a round face, large eyes and cute little nose. His fellow crooks4 called him “Babyface”—behind his back, of course. He hardly looked like a criminal5.

When the agents arrived, they locked eyes on a trio of men that apparently did.6 The men—who were actually undercover FBI agents—were gunned down in a matter of seconds, allowing Babyface and his fellow outlaws to escape.7

They jumped out of a second-floor window, followed the edge of the lake for several miles, stole a car and got away.

From literally getting away with murder, to monopolizing parental love and seducing the opposite sex, the babyface is a potent social weapon.8

The doe-eyed look can help people win over their enemies, elicit help from strangers and get ahead in their careers.9 It makes politicians seem more trustworthy, crooks less likely to be convicted and sentencing less severe.10

In all, babyfaced individuals are thought of as more honest, naive, warm, kind, approachable, trustworthy, likeable, familiar, and charismatic than the rest of us.11

This trust is misplaced. In fact, they’re more—not less—likely to become criminals. And once they’ve turned their backs on the law, they tend to commit more offences than those who look the part.12

By the way—inexplicably—across diverse cultures,13 in every corner of the globe, baby-faced women are rated as the most attractive. “The big eyes, the long lashes, the arched brows, the plump lips, the small chins, the round face, the cute little nose—if I wasn’t describing a baby, I’d be describing a supermodel,” says Caroline Keating, an expert in non-verbal communication at Colgate University, New York.14

So what’s going on?

We’ve been judging people based on the way they look for thousands of years. The ancient Greeks turned it into a science, “physiognomy15”. As early as 500 BC, the mathematician Pythagoras would scrutinise young men’s faces to determine if they’d make a good student; not long after Aristotle wrote how large-headed people were mean.16 It was widely believed at the time that the animal a person resembled was as good a judge of character as any.17



1、 张长森文学作品集序 张长森兄是我钦敬的一位朋友。 不仅是我,文化领域凡与他比较熟悉的人,都对他的睿智、幽默、 热情,分析问题的深刻和工作的严谨给以很高的评价。 张长。

2、 对不起,你长了一张看上去就很穷脸 【适用话题】心态与人生 微笑向暖 岁月留痕外因与内因中国有个词叫“相由心生”。现在有了另一种说法:相由薪生。一项研究发现,光看脸就能看出一个人。

3、 张歆艺我期待一生一世,但不强求 01 作为第一部自导自演的电影,这个过程中你遇到的最大困难是什么?《泡芙小姐》的剧本像一首诗,是特别生猛又极浪漫的故事,编剧是个野生编剧,我。

4、 美国控枪道阻且长 2月24日,美国佛羅里达州帕克兰市道格拉斯中学的学生们排着队重新走进了校园,收拾他们在之前的骚乱中来不及收拾的物品。2月28日,这所学校就将复。

5、 张军天外有天 张军,著名昆曲艺术家。国家一级演员,上海昆剧团原副团长,现任上海张军昆曲艺术中心艺术总监。第二十四届中国戏剧表演梅花奖、第十一届上海白玉兰戏剧表。

6、 张玉玺获中国农产品流通终身成就奖 日前,由中国轻工业联合会食品综合部、中国食品报社及中国搜索等多家单位共同主办的第二届中国食品企业社会责任年会在京举行。北京新发地集团董事长张玉玺。