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关于亨利论文范文 亨利和山田圭子相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:亨利论文 更新时间:2024-01-22


《悲喜边缘的旅馆》(Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet)是美国著名华裔作家杰米·福特(Jamie Ford)于2009年创作的第一本小说,也是获得最多好评的小说.

华裔男孩亨利·李(Henry Lee)和其日裔女孩山田圭子(Keiko)是雷尼尔学校仅有的两名非白人学生,于是他们很快结识并成为知心好友.但Henry的父亲反对他们交往,导致两人失去了联系.这个故事衬托出战争对个体命运,尤其是生活在异国他乡的移民的影响.面对历史大背景,个体是多么的无助无奈和卑微.Keiko一家对美国人和中国人并没有敌意,但因日本跟美国和中国交战,Henry的爸爸不惜用断绝父子关系来阻止两人的交往.小说的背景是1986年步入中年的Henry回忆他和Keiko之间那段难以忘怀的情感经历.


Within a week, the evacuation(疏散,撤离)of Bainbridge Island was already old news—within a month it was almost forgotten, on the surface, anyway—everyone was doing their best to go about business as usual. Even Henry felt the restless calm as he and Keiko made plans for lunch on Saturday. She had surprised him by calling his home. Henry’s father had answered the phone. As soon as she spoke in English, he handed the receiver to Henry. His father didn’t ask who it was, just asked if it was a girl—knowing full well the answer.

I guess he just wanted to hear it from my lips, thought Henry. “Yes, it’s a girl” was all he offered. The words came out in meaningless English, but he nodded and explained, “She’s my friend.” His father looked confused, yet seemingly resigned to the fact that his son was practically in his teens. Back in China, the Old Country, marriages happened as early as thirteen or fourteen. Sometimes they were arranged at birth, but only for the very poor or the very rich.

His father would probably be more concerned if he knew the purpose of the call—to meet Keiko’s family. No, Henry realized, concerned was too gentle a word, his father would be livid(怒不可遏的).

Henry, on the other hand, was less worried until he realized that lunch might qualify as a date—a thought that made his stomach churn(翻滾)and his palms sweat. He reassured himself that it was nothing fancy, just lunch with the Okabes(Keiko的父母).

At school, things seemed abnormally normal—so restrained(受约束的)and peaceful that he and Keiko didn’t know what to think. The other children, and even the teachers, seemed unaware of the Japanese exodus(大批的离去)from Bainbridge Island. The day had come and gone in relative quiet. Almost like it never happened. Lost in the news of the war—that the U.S. and Filipino(菲律宾的)troops were losing at Bataan(巴丹半岛)and that a Japanese submarine had shelled(轰炸)an oil refinery(炼油厂)somewhere in California.

Henry’s father had become more adamant(固执的)than ever that Henry wear his button(圆形小徽章). “On the outside—wear it on the outside, where everyone can see it!” his father demanded in Cantonese as Henry was heading out the door.



1、 人生有限,艺术长存——读欧·亨利的最后一片叶子 《最后一片叶子》是美国二十世纪初期著名短片小说家欧·亨利(1862-1910)的名篇。读后心头不免涌上一层淡淡的哀伤,却又感到暖烘烘的,情不自禁。

2、 山田电机将在日本关闭46家店 日本家电连锁巨头山田电机24日宣布,将在5月底之前关闭地方郊外等因消费税增税业绩恶化的46家门店。在关闭的门店工作的员工将转至别的店铺继续工作。。

3、 亨利.摩尔素描打稿和硬质加工 “我已放弃以素描打稿,而改为直接由雏型雕塑入手……”1话语的背后似乎还有一层含义:平面草图表达立体雕塑的不如人意。这或许就是摩尔在对“素描打稿”。

4、 亨利希.曼批判现实主义文论 [摘要]亨利希·曼是德国批判现实主义的最自觉的代表人物。他的文学思想主要通过小说创作表现出来:一、滑稽漫画式讽刺资本主义社会的欺骗和虚伪本质,二。

5、 船山对朱子、阳明格物致知二元对立模式之批判性圆融 摘要:格物致知是儒家哲学的重要范畴。作为宋明理学的主流学派思想家朱熹和王阳明对“格物致知”的理解彰显为向外和向内、体用和知行等方面的差异。船山。

6、 重返大自然,猎豹妈妈放子归山 2011年12月8日清晨,纳米比亚草原上的第一缕阳光刚跃出地平线,法国男子奥利维尔·霍阿莱特便带着五只猎豹,从“阿曼尼大型猫科动物收养救治中心”。