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关于目论视域论文范文 目论视域下外宣翻译中有关旅游文化元素翻译策略浅探相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:目论视域论文 更新时间:2024-02-15


摘 要:涉及旅游景点及历史人物的文化元素在有关旅游的外宣翻译中不胜枚举,而通过对这些景点及相关历史人物做更多的对外宣传是促进中国旅游业发展的主要途径,这彰显了外宣翻译中涉及旅游景点及历史人物的文化元素的翻译策略的重要性.因此,只有准确理解和翻译其中的文化元素,才能确保涉及旅游文化要素的外宣翻译的质量.本文基于目的论视域探究了涉及旅游文化元素的外宣翻译翻译策略.


Abstract:International publicity translation on tourism is a principal means of promoting tourism development in China by making more propaganda for more scenic-spots and historical figures. Cultural elements concerned with these scenic-spots and historical figures are abundant in international publicity translation on tourism. Therefore, the proper understanding and rendering of cultural elements is the key to ensure the quality of international publicity translation on tourism. Based on Skopostheorie, the paper focuses on the translating strategies of cultural elements in international publicity translation on tourism.

Key words:international publicity translation; cultural elements; Skopostheorie; cross-cultural dissemination; translating strategies


Nowadays, with the rapid development of globalization, more and more foreigners are particularly keen on China’s time-honored civilization, beautiful scenic-spots and historical figures. The purpose of the paper is to fully arouse the cultural awareness in international publicity translation on tourism and probe into various strategies to deal with the cultural elements implied in international publicity translation on tourism. Confronting with various mistakes made in international publicity translation on tourism, the author makes an attempt to explore the effective strategies to deal with them under the theoretical guidance of Skopostheorie.


Skopos is the Greek word for “aim” or “purpose” and was introduced into translation theory in the 1970s by Hans J. Vermeer as a technical term for the purpose of a translation and of the action of translating. “Skopostheorie” was simplified as “the end justifies the means” (Nord, 2001, p.124). It aims to liberate translation from the confinement of the source text and explain the translation activity from the perspective of the target language. In Skopostheorie, “Skopos rule”, as the top-ranking rule for any translation, means a translational action determined by its Skopos. Vermeer defines it as: each text is produced for a given purpose and should serve this purpose. There are also two subordinate rules in the “Skopostheorie”: coherence rule and fidelity rule. Coherence rule means the target texts can be easily comprehensible to the audience in target language cultural environment. Fidelity rule means there must be an inter-textual coherence between the source texts and target texts, which means the target texts must be in high fidelity to the source texts. However, the degree of its fidelity heavily depends on the aim of the target texts and the translator’s comprehension of the source texts.



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