
关于SARADC论文范文 一种用于SARADC高能效高面效DAC相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:SARADC论文 更新时间:2024-02-24


摘 要 數模转换器(DAC)是逐次逼近型模数转换器(SAR ADC)能耗的重要来源之一. 为了降低DAC能耗,提出一种高能效高面效DAC结构,该结构包含四个子DAC. 在DAC转换过程中,通过采用附加步技术,使同边的两个子DAC结合产生所需要的DAC输出电压. 而且,子DAC结合可使所需的单位电容数量减少,能耗降低. 仿真结果表明,相比于传统的DAC结构,文中提出的DAC结构可降低99.89%的能耗,节省96.875%的单位电容数量.

关键词 高能效;高面效;逐次逼近型模数转换器;子DAC结合;附加步

In successive approximation register (SAR) analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs), DAC consumes a significant part of the total power consumption [1]. Recently, several energy-efficient techniques have been developed to improve the power efficiency of DAC [1-10]. Compared to conventional technique, Split capacitor [1], Set-and-down [2], Vcm-based [3], Tri-level [4], Mohsen [5], VMS [6], Sanyal [7], Asymmetric monotonic [8], HCS [9], Liang [10] reduced the energy consumption by 37.48%, 81.26%, 87.52%, 96.89%, 97.26%, 97.66%, 98.40%, 98.50%, 98.84% and 99.40%, respectively. In this paper, a more energy-efficient and area-efficient DAC is presented which can achieve the reduction of 99.89% in the energy consumption of the DAC.

1 The proposed DAC

1.1 The structure of the proposed DAC

The structure of the proposed DAC for SAR ADC is shown in Fig.1. The DAC consists of four sub-DACs, sub-DAC(p0), sub-DAC(p1), sub-DAC(n0) and sub-DAC(n1), with the first two combined into one sub-DAC combination and the latter two into another one. Each sub-DAC has M(M等于N/2, if N is even; M等于(N+1)/2, if N is odd) sub-capacitor sections and the number in each box is the total capacitance of the sub-capacitor section. All the top plates of the sub-capacitor sections connecting serially through additional switches join to sampling port, and their bottom plates connect serially.

1.2 The application of extra-step in sub-DAC combination

The main idea of this paper stems from the method of using an extra-step to generate an extra voltage on the DAC, and combining sub-DACs (as shown in Fig.1.) to get a finer voltage. It can save more energy and reduce more areas for DAC than that by conventional techniques.

Fig.2 The application of extra-step in sub-DAC combination

As shown in Fig.2, in “Before extra-step”, the sub-DAC(p0) and sub-DAC(p1) have the same voltage as they use the same reference voltage. In “Extra-step”, the voltage of sub-DAC(p1) increases by Vref/4 through a shift in the reference voltage of the second capacitor from gnd to Vcm; the voltage of sub-DAC(p1) decreases by Vref/4 through a shift in the reference voltage of the first capacitor from Vcm to gnd. In “After extra-step”, the switches between the second capacitor and reference voltage in both of the sub-DAC(p0) and sub-DAC(p1) are opened, while the switch Sp between sub-DAC(p0) and sub-DAC(p1) is closed. In this way, a finer voltage of sub-DAC(p0) and sub-DAC(p1), Vref/8 or-Vref/8, is achieved through the application of extra-step technique.



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