
关于接诊论文范文 全科门诊接诊技能视频教学定性访相关论文写作参考文献

分类:专科论文 原创主题:接诊论文 更新时间:2024-03-08


摘 要 目的:了解在郊縣偏远地区通过视频教学方法开展全科门诊接诊技能培训的效果.方法:采用目的抽样方法于2017年9月从金山区朱泾社区卫生服务中心参加全科视频教学的全科医师中选取14位作为访谈和问卷调查的对象,通过现场访谈法和问卷调查2种方法了解学员对全科门诊视频教学的收获及建议.结果:学员对全科门诊视频教学的模式具有较高认可度、参和度;在全科门诊视频教学中的获益程度、认可度、对病例是否适合全科门诊教学、对提高全科门诊接诊技能、教学第一时段、第二时段评分、整体满意度及中期访谈后视频教学较之前的改善程度等评分均分均高于3.0分;但对视频和音频传输效果的评分均分低于3.0分.结论:建议提升视频教学清晰度,浓缩接诊时间;社区卫生服务中心也应尽量安排医师全程参和整个接诊过程,同时要求学员提前预习病例及查阅资料,提高临床诊断的整体思维能力.

关键词 全科门诊;接诊技能;视频教学;集体访谈

中图分类号:G424.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-1533(2018)12-0008-02

Qualitative interview of research on video teaching of general outpatient consultation skills

LI Lantao1, ZHANG Yuan2, CHEN Bianling1(1. General Medical Department of Hongqiao Community Health Service Center of Changning District, Shanghai 200051, China; 2. General Medical Department of Zhongshan Hospital affiliated to Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China)

ABSTRACT Objective: To understand the effect of skills training in general outpatient clinics through video teaching methods in remote rural areas. Methods: In September 2017, 14 general practitioners who participated in video teaching in Zhujing Community Health Service Center of Jinshan District were selected as the objects of the interview and questionnaire survey with the method of object sampling, and through 2 ways of the field interview and questionnaire survey the students’gains and suggestions for video teaching in general outpatient clinics were understood. Results: Participants had a high degree of recognition and participation in the general outpatient video teaching mode; the degree of benefit, recognition in the outpatient video teaching, whether the case was suitable for general outpatient teaching, improvement of the skills of receiving outpatient service in general department, teaching scores for the first and second periods, overall satisfaction and after the medium-term interviews, the degree of improvement of the video teaching and the scores and the average scores were higher than 3 points before the improvement. Conclusion: It is recommended to improve the clarity of video teaching and consolidate the admission time; the community health service center should also try to arrange for the doctors to participate in the entire consultation process. At the same time, the trainees are required to preview the cases and read data in advance so as to improve the overall thinking ability of clinical diagnosis.

KEY WORDS general outpatient clinic; reception skill; video teaching; group interview



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