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关于专人管理模式论文范文 专人管理模式在手术室腹腔镜器械管理中应用相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文题目 原创主题:专人管理模式论文 更新时间:2024-04-01


[摘 要] 目的 觀察专人管理模式在手术室腹腔镜器械管理中的应用效果,分析其临床应用价值.方法 选取2016年1—12月期间280台手术腔镜器械及手术医生作为研究对象,2016年1—6月期间未实施专人管理模式的有140台手术,2016年7—12月期间实施专人管理模式的有140台手术.观察并对比专人管理模式实施前后的腔镜器械清洗消毒合格、腔镜器械零部件缺损、腔镜器械遗失、维修次数以及医生满意度等指标,分析专人管理模式的应用价值.结果 专人管理模式实施后的腔镜器械清洗消毒合格率98.6%明显高于实施前的89.3%,实施后的腔镜器械零部件缺损、腔镜器械遗失、维修次数比例明显低于实施前(P<0.05),实施前后的腔镜器械清洗消毒合格、腔镜器械零部件缺损、腔镜器械遗失、维修次数比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).专人管理模式实施前手术医生的满意度为87.1%,实施后手术医生的满意度为97.1%,实施前后手术医生的满意度比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 专人管理模式在手术室腹腔镜器械管理中的应用效果显著,具有一定的临床意义.

[关键词] 专人管理模式;腹腔镜器械;满意度;临床价值

[中图分类号] R197 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-5654(2017)04(c)-0154-03

[Abstract] Objective To observe the application effect of specially-assigned person management model in the laparoscopic instrument management in the operating room and analyze the clinical application value. Methods 280 operative laparoscopic instruments and operative doctors from January to December 2016 were selected as the research objects and divided into two groups, including 140 instrument without the specially-assigned person management model from January 2016 to June 2016 and 140 instruments with the specially-assigned person management model from July to December 2016, and the cleaning and disinfection qualified rate of laparoscopic instrument, zero part defect of laparoscopic instrument, loss of laparoscopic instrument, maintenance frequency and satisfactory degree of doctors before and after the implementation of specially-assigned person management model were observed and compared and the application value of specially-assigned person management model was analyzed. Results The cleaning and disinfection qualified rate of laparoscopic instruments after the implementation of specially-assigned person management model was obviously higher than that before the implementation (98.6% vs 89.3%), after the implementation, the ratio of zero part defect of laparoscopic instruments, loss of laparoscopic instruments and maintenance frequency was obviously lower than that before the implementation(P<0.05),and the differences in the cleaning and disinfection qualified rate of laparoscopic instruments, zero part defect of laparoscopic instruments, loss of laparoscopic instruments and maintenance frequency before and after the implementation were statistically significant(P<0.05), and the difference in the satisfactory degree of operation doctors before and after the implementation was statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The application effect of specially-assigned person management model in the laparoscopic instrument management in the operating room is obvious, which is of a certain clinical significance.



1、 观察分组护理管理模式在手术室护理管理中应用效果 [摘要] 目的 分析分组护理管理模式在手术室护理管理中的应用效果。方法 選择该院2017年1—7月的37名实施分组护理管理的护士资料,将其设为研。

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3、 互联网时代下财务管理模式 摘 要:互联网在当今社会发展过程中扮演着十分重要的角色,为顺应时代发展,企业需要借助“互联网+”时代来实现其财务管理模式的转变,将互联网技术广泛。

4、 医院成本核算和绩效管理模式 摘要:随着我国医疗卫生体制改革的不断深入,医院这个具有很强公益性的服务行业也逐渐以企业这种特殊形式进入市场竞争之中,在为大众服务的前提下使自己得。

5、 新会计制度下财务管理模式 摘 要:随着刚刚结束的两会的号召,各大体制进行改革的进程正如火如荼的进行。两会中国GDP总量竟低至达6 9%,这是中国经济出现萎靡的前兆,这也是。

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