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关于语用论文范文 语用失误与其对大学英语课堂教学相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:语用论文 更新时间:2024-02-17


摘 要:本文从交际过程中常见的语用失误入手.首先分析语用失误的定义以及其产生的原因,然后总结出语用失误对大学英语课程教学的启示, 希望对提高英语学习者的语用能力有所帮助.


The pragmatic failure and its implications for college English classroom teaching

Abstract: The paper first looks into the pragmatic failure and its causes in communication. Then it presents three implications to which teachers should pay attention in their teaching so as to improve the language learners’ pragmatic competence.

Key words: pragmatic failure; intercultural communication; English teaching

一、Introduction of the study

Learning a foreign language well means more than merely mastering the pronunciation, grammars, words, and idioms. The most important function of language is communication. But most often than not, students feel puzzled in talking with foreigners or trapped in some embarrassing circumstances. This kind of phenomenon is called “pragmatic failure”.

二、Pragmatic failure

The term “pragmatic failure” was first employed by the British linguist Jenny Thomas in 1983.

1.The definition of pragmatic failure

According to Thomas, interference in communication is generally referred to as pragmatic failure. She (1983) defined it as the inability to understand what is meant by what is said.

2.Classification of intercultural pragmatic failure

Based on the nature of pragmatic failure, Thomas (1983) classified pragmatic failure into two types: pragmalinguistic failure and sociopragmatic failure. Most linguists (He Ziran, 1986; Hong Gang, 1991; Li Yuee, 2002; etc) tend to adopt Jenny Thomas’ viewpoint.

三、Causes of pragmatic failure

1. Cultural differences

Cultures vary from country to country, and also differ among various groups within a country. Cultural differences do influence a lot in the English language learners in intercultural communication.

2. Lack of English environment

English is a foreign language in China. As foreign language learners, we do not he many chances to communicate with the native speakers.

3. Inappropriate way of providing language input

A large portion of language input is from the textbooks or teaching materials and other reading materials. Li Li and Chen Zhian (1997) say that there are many inappropriate sentence patterns in our textbooks, which students are required to recite and use as much as possible.

四、Implications for college English classroom teaching in China



1、 基于产出导向法大学英语课堂教学实践 摘 要:在新时期,开展大学英语教学,教师应当结合产出导向法,采用一体化教学模式,教师在教学过程中,通过正确的引导与帮助,与学生紧密沟通,有助于形。

2、 在大学英语课堂教学中如何培养学生自主学习能力 [摘 要]本文对大学生英语自主学习的特征和内涵进行了探讨,总结了影响大学生英语自主学习能力培养的相关因素,并提出大学英语教学中培养学生自主学习能。

3、 民族班大学英语课堂教学优化 【摘要】随着教育改革进程的不断推进,现如今各大院校都在积极的进行教育教学的优化和改革工作。在大学英语的教学当中,需要考虑到学生的特点,进行综合的。

4、 新媒体时代传统大学英语课堂教学改革策略 【摘要】教书育人,传授知识是根本目的,因此,只要能有效的帮助学生学习知识,提高专业能力,能用的教学方法都可以用如此既丰富了教学内容,又增加了教学。

5、 大学英语课堂教学组织艺术探析 【摘要】课堂讲授是大学英语教学的基本模式和方法,是提高大学英语教学质量的重要环节。本文通过实例,探讨了如何有效组织大学英语课堂教学,使教学环节、。

6、 基于语篇情景下大学英语语法教学 在当前大学教育教学过程中,大学英语属于十分重要的一门课程,在学生综合能力提升及学生发展方面发挥着十分重要的作用及意义。在大学英语实际教学过程中,。