
关于quanzi论文范文 quanzi相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:quanzi论文 更新时间:2024-02-29


Defined as a group of people who share the same interests, values or social background, the Chinese term “quanzi,” which translates literally as “circle,” describes the many social circles that make up human interaction.

The word traces back to ancient China, where it often referred to factions of officialdom in which officials behaved according to secret rules, like exclusive clubs. Once someone broke a rule, he would be elbowed out. The quanzi of officialdom frequently engaged in power struggles, a culture that has seeped into the modern era. It was so negative a phenomenon that the Party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has explicitly forbidden its members to collude with one other.

The term is neutral, however, when used to describe groups of ordinary people, especially on the Internet, who form various quanzi on different social media sites. For example, on social media app WeChat, the “Moments”function – similar to Facebook’s Newsfeed in both purpose and ubiquity – is called “pengyou quan” in Chinese, meaning “friend circle.” Unlike microblogs like Sina Weibo, where posts are generally open to the public, a user’s pengyou quan is much more private because it is only open to his or her WeChat friends.

Many other apps provide a community-like function to let people with the same interests or values commingle. A fan of the detective genre, for example, can create a dedicated quanzi on an e-book application to gab about gumshoes with other readers. Experts believe that quanzi have greatly enhanced human communication in the Internet era by enabling like-minded people to socialize regardless of age, location, economic background or nationality.

However, the more that quanzi penetrate into daily life, the more prominent their negative effects. Many people found the culture of some quanzi, such as those of officials or the super-rich, to be quite clique-y, with the quanzi serving to further isolate those elite social groups. Others complain that once you enter a quanzi, you’ll feel uncomfortable vocalizing disagreement with any prevailing idea that the quanzi majority profess, or, if you do, you might be sidelined or labeled an outsider. A recent China Youth Daily column warned that some quanzi are turning their members into blind followers, and others are just frivolous forums that newcomers join for superficial interests.




