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关于煤粉论文范文 煤粉预热燃烧特性动力学分析相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:煤粉论文 更新时间:2024-04-06


摘 要:实验利用热重天平,采用非等温燃烧方法研究了国内某炼铁厂高炉喷吹的典型煤粉预热后燃烧特性及反应动力学参数.考察了煤粉在423,473,523,573,623,673,723,773 K 温度等级下,煤粉试样的燃点、燃烧峰值温度、结束温度、综合燃烧特性指数(G)、燃烧峰值速率等动力学特征参数,计算了煤粉燃烧过程的活化能(E)和指前因子(A).分析结果表明,北区煤粉在423~773 K不同温度等级燃烧过程中,着火点温度最多下降了240 K,失重峰温度最多提前了263 K,最大燃烧速率最大幅度提升了1.29倍,燃烧特性指数最大为29.8倍;从动力学角度分析出两段热解活化能和指前因子之间均存在良好的线性拟合关系,煤粉燃烧为一级反应;煤粉有明显预热效果温度应不低于673 K.








ZUO Qiwei, CANG Daqiang, AN Xia, et al.Combustion characteristics and kinetic analysis of preheating pulverized coal[J].Journal of Hebei University of Science and Technology,2015,36(4):431-436.Combustion characteristics and kinetic analysis of

preheating pulverized coal

ZUO Qiwei1,2, CANG Daqiang1,2, AN Xia3, ZHAO Jun3, YANG Jingbo1,3

(1.School of Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering, University of Science &Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China; 2.State Key Laboratory of Advanced Metallurgy, Beijing 100083, China; 3.Tangshan Iron and Steel Company Limited, Tangshan, Hebei 063016, China)

Abstract:Experimental research on non-isothermal combustion characteristics and dynamics parameters of applied pulverized coal under preheating domestically is conducted with a thermo gravimetric balance. The combustion characteristic parameters such as ignition temperature, peak temperature at maximum weight loss rate, burnout temperature, general burn exponent(G), and maximum combustion rate are studied under different preheating temperatures of 423, 473, 523, 573, 623, 673, 723 and 773 K. The activation energy (E) and frequency factor (A) are also calculated. The results show that for pulverized coal in the North Area, during the preheating process, when temperature varies from 423 K to 773 K, ignition temperature decreases by 240 K mostly, peak temperature at maximum weight loss rate decreases by 263 K at most, maximum weight loss rate increases as 1.29 times, and G increases up to 29.8 times. It shows that there is lining fit result between E and ln A, which proves that the reaction could be regarded as first order reaction. The combustion process behaves greatly when preheating temperature is over 673 K for the pulverized coal.

Keywords:metallurgical fuel; pulverized coal; preheating; combustion; kinetic parameters



1、 煤粉压力燃烧特性动力学分析 摘要:利用加压热重分析天平,采用非等温燃烧方法对国内某钢铁厂高炉典型喷吹煤粉的燃烧特性及反应动力学参数进行了实验研究。研究了在0 1,1 1,2。

2、 变温度场中刚柔耦合功能梯度梁系统动力学特性 摘要:基于刚柔耦合动力学和热力学建模理论,研究变温度场环境下的旋转柔性功能梯度梁系统的动力学问题。功能梯度梁由陶瓷和金属两种材料组成,假设梁的典。

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4、 基于系统动力学促销效果评估 摘 要:在营销组合理论的基础上,通过分析与识别企业促销相关影响因素,构建促销系统动力学模型进行仿真分析。仿真结果表明:在一定范围内,促销有利于企。

5、 丝绸材料特性和氨基酸排列有关可开发高性能人造蚕丝 日本理化学研究所日前宣布,该研究所沼田圭司和增永启康率领的国际研究小组发现,丝绸内不同氨基酸排列会影响其机械强度、热稳定性及结晶结构。人类从古。

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