
关于烟叶论文范文 烤烟烘烤54度稳温时间对烟叶品质效益影响相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:烟叶论文 更新时间:2024-01-18


摘 要:通过对不同部位最佳采收成熟度烟叶54 ℃稳温时间的研究,分析了不同稳温处理和烟叶品质和可用性的关系.结果表明,变黄期采用“低温慢变黄”处理,上部叶54 ℃稳温16 h、中部叶稳温24 h、下部叶稳温8 h或16 h其致香前体物质含量较其他处理高;上部叶稳温16 h、中部叶稳温8 h或24 h、下部采收烟叶稳温16 h能获得较好的外观质量;下部适熟叶稳温16 h或24 h处理、中部采收烟叶稳温8 h处理、上部成熟烟叶稳温16 h处理物理特性较好;下部叶稳温8 h或16 h、中部叶稳温8 h、上部叶稳温16 h或24 h处理,香气质较细腻,吃味醇和,刺激性和劲头较小,余味较好.综合各处理烟叶品质,并结合经济性状分析表明,变黄期采用“低温慢变黄”处理,下部适熟烟叶54 ℃稳温16 h、中部成熟烟叶稳温8 h、上部成熟烟叶稳温16 h的处理,初烤烟叶能获得较好的综合品质和经济效益.



Effect of Stable Time at 54 Degree on Quality and Output Value of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves

YE Weimin1, LI Shaofeng2, HU Nanjun1, LUO Qiang2, PAN Yihong3, ZI Wenhua3, LI Xuhua1*

(1. Technical Center of China Tobacco Guangdong Industrial Co., Ltd., Guangzhou 510310, China;

2. Jingdong County Tobacco Company of Yunnan Province, Jingdong, Yunnan 676200, China;

3. Yunnan Reascend Tobacco Technology (Group) Co., Ltd., Kunming 650106, China)

Abstract: The effects of stable time of temperature at 54 ℃on the quality and output value of flue-cured tobacco were investigated in order to improve curing efficiency and tobacco quality. The results showed that the curing treatment with gradually yellowish tobacco under soft temperature at yellowing stage, constant temperature at 54 ℃ for 16 h for upper leaves, 24 h at 54 ℃ for middle leaves, and 8 h or 16 h at 54 ℃ for lower leaves, could increase aroma precursors content of the flue-cured tobacco. The appearance quality of the tobacco leaf were relatively high with constant temperature at 54 ℃ for 16h for upper leaves, 8 h or 24 h at 54 ℃ for middle leaves, and 16 h at 54 ℃ for lower leaves in the curing process. Physical indicators were better for constant temperature at 54 ℃ for 16h or 24 h for lower leaves, 8 h at 54 ℃ for middle leaves, 16 h at 54 ℃ for upper leaves in the curing process. The smoking aroma quality significantly increased as well. The taste was pure and mild, and smoke concentration, offensive odor, irritancy and strength were low when constant temperature was at 54 ℃ for 8 h or 16 h for lower leaves, 8 h at 54 ℃ for middle leaves, 16 h or 24 h at 54 ℃ for upper leaves. An integrated analysis of the quality and economic values of tobacco leaves for different treatments showed that the better comprehensive quality and economic values of tobacco leaves were obtained when the curing treatment of gradually yellowish tobacco were under soft temperature at yellowing stage, and constant temperature at 54 ℃ for 16 h for lower leaves with proper maturity, 8 h at 54 ℃ for middle leaves with maturity, 16 h at 54 ℃ for upper leaves with maturity.

Keywords: curing; tobacco leaf; constant temperature; quality







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