
关于绿肥论文范文 不同冬种绿肥对皖南烟区烤烟产质量影响相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:绿肥论文 更新时间:2024-02-08


摘 要:为了筛选提升皖南烟区烤烟产质量的冬种绿肥品种,设置植烟土壤原位种植绿肥作物紫云英、黄花苜蓿和冬牧70,测定绿肥掩青前生物学性状及元素成分,探讨各绿肥处理烤烟烟叶的农艺性状、经济性状、化学成分及感官评价.结果显示,第3年绿肥干物质量以冬牧70最高为1.97 t/hm2,分别是紫云英和黄花苜蓿的2.46倍和7.30倍.紫云英和冬牧70处理的烤烟最大腰叶面积显著高于对照和黄花苜蓿.冬牧70和紫云英处理的烤烟产量分别提高了9.67%和3.53%,产值分别提高17.59%和10.75%.冬牧70处理的上部烟化学成分协调性和感官评价均优于黄花苜蓿和紫云英处理.综合评价认为,绿肥冬牧70可以作为皖南烟区优质冬种绿肥品种.


中图分类号:S572.06 文章编号:1007-5119(2016)06-0032-05 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2016.06.006

Effects of Different Winter-Planting Green Manures on Yield and Quality of Flue-cured Tobacco in South Anhui Tobacco Areas

QI Yaocheng1, CUI Quanren1, ZHOU Benguo1, GAO Zhengliang2*

(1. Tobacco Institute, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hefei 230031, China; 2. Science and Technology Industry Department, Anhui Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Hefei 230031, China)

Abstract: In order to screen for varieties of green manure in Southern Anhui tobacco areas to promote the tobacco yield and quality, Astragalus sinicus, Medicago falcata and Secal ecerale were planted in tobacco planting soils. Biological traits and main chemical components of green manures were measured before ploughed under the soil. The tobacco agronomic traits, main chemical component, yield and the quality from different green manure treatments were analyzed. The results showed that the yield of dry grass of Secal ecerale was the highest, being 1.97 t/ha, 2.46 and 7.30 times of that of Astragalus sinicus and Medicago falcate respectively. The maximum area of waist leaves of Astragalus sinicus and Secal ecerale treatments were significantly higher than CK and Medicago falcate. The tobacco leaf yield of Medicago falcate and Astragalus sinicus treatments were increased by 9.67% and 3.53%, and economic values were increased by 17.59% and 10.75%, repectively. The harmony of chemical composition of top leaves from the Secal ecerale treatment was better than that from Medicago falcate and Astragalus sinicus. The smoking quality of top leaves from different treatments displayed the same trend. In conclusion, Secal ecerale can be considered as the alternative green manure in Southern Anhui tobacco areas.

Keywords: flue-cured tobacco; agronomic trait; green manure; chemical component; yield and quality




1、 广元烟区土壤pH值和有机质含量对烤烟品质指标影响 摘要:选取2015年广元烟区50份土壤样品和烤烟样品,运用酸度计法和重铬酸鉀法来测定土壤样品中pH值及有机质含量,并分析在不同pH值和有机质含量。

2、 浏阳烟区烤烟氮素吸收利用特征 摘要:以烤烟品种K326为材料,采用15N同位素示踪技术,研究了浏阳烟区不同施氮量对烟叶干物质积累和氮素吸收利用、残留及损失的影响。结果表明,烟。

3、 大理特色烟叶和不同生态烟区烤烟香型风格差异 摘要:以云南大理生态特色烤烟为重点,采用李章海等提出的烟叶香型指数辅之感官评吸验证方法,研究了生态条件迥异的4个烤烟产区烟叶香型风格及相关香气成。

4、 深耕和施肥对毕节烤烟生长产质量影响 摘要:为了解深耕措施下不同肥料用量对毕节地区烤烟生长的影响,本试验设计了4个处理:CK,旋耕15 cm+常规施肥;T1,深耕30 cm+常规用量。

5、 四川凉山烟区烟蚜种群空间分布型抽样技术 摘 要:为明确四川省凉山主要烟区烟蚜空间分布格局,给通过释放天敌控制烟蚜技术提供理论依据,运用2种回归方法和8个聚集度指标对烟蚜盛发期种群的空间。