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关于耦合论文范文 中国社会保障和经济耦合协调度时空特征分析相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:耦合论文 更新时间:2024-03-27


摘 要:在建立社会保障与经济发展耦合系统评价指标体系的基础上,运用耦合协调度模型,从时空角度对中国社会保障与经济发展的协调发展程度进行了研究,系统论述了两者的区域差异.从时序角度研究表明,2003年以来中国社会保障与经济发展保持着良性互动,两者关系从磨合阶段逐渐趋向协调适应.从空间角度研究表明,两者的耦合协调度呈现较为明显的区域差异,经济发展水平总体呈现从东部向中西部逐渐递减的“阶梯”分布格局;而社会保障水平整体呈现两头高、中间低的“U”型分布格局.从协调等级看,社会保障与经济发展耦合度的省域特征呈现“橄榄型”,即良好协调和中度失调的省份较少;轻度失调和基本协调的省份较多,并且东部地区协调度明显优于中西部地区.


中图分类号:D632.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4149(2014)04-0094-09


An Analysis on the Spatialtemporal Characteristics of the Coupling Coordinated

Degree between Social Security and Economic Development in China

YANG Liang1,2, DING Jinhong2, GUO Yongchang3

( 1.Department of Geography,Xingtai University, Xingtai 054001, China; 2.Population

Research Institute, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;

3.Resources and Environmental Sciences Department, Anqing Normal

University, Anqing 246011, China)

Abstract:Based on the constructed coupling index system reflecting the social security and economic development, the paper study the coordination of them from the perspective of spacetime using methods of the coupling coordinated degree model. The results of the time perspective show, social security and economic development in China maintained a positive interaction since 2003, the relationship between them gradually moving from the amelioration phase to coordinated adaptation. The results of the space perspective show, the coupling coordinated between

them in China presents obvious regional differences. The level of economic development displays obviously decreasing tendency from the East to the Midwest, while the level of social security displays the shape of “U”. Looking from the coordination level, the provincial characteristics of the coupling coordinated between social security and economic development present the shape of “the rugby”, the provinces belonging to the better coordinated and the serious imbalance are few, while most of provinces are intermediate types, such as the mild imbalance and basic coordination. The coordinated degree in Eastern provinces obviously surpassed the Midwestern provinces.

Keywords:social security;economic development;the coupling coordinated degree;Spatialtemporal characteristics





1、 社会保障绿皮书:中国社会保障报告2018No.9发布 6月30日,《社会保障绿皮书:中国社会保障发展报告2018 No 9》新书发布会在上海财经大学举办。2016年以来,由中国社会科学院牵头,北京大。

2、 我国房地产经济和社会经济相互协调 [摘要]房地产经济在我国社会经济发展中占据着重要的比例,一定程度上对市场经济起着积极的促进作用。然而由于国家整体经济发展水平较为落后及市场发育缺。

3、 西南区省会城市生态经济系统耦合协调 内容摘要:本文在突出表征城市生态环境与社会经济因素相互作用的基础上,构建了生态经济系统评价指标体系,通过运用耦合协调度模型与改进的熵值法,对西南。

4、 新时代中国社会保障制度趋势和建设路径 【摘 要】 社会保障关系人民福祉,维系社会和谐与国家安定,研究社会保障制度的前进方向是做好民生课题的题中之义。本文以十九大报告对社会保障制度改革。

5、 探究社会保障水平和经济之间适应性关系 摘 要 本文主要探讨社会保障水平和经济发展之间的适应性关系,并分析了在经济快速发展的大背景下,我国社会保障的现状,同时提出了如何建立和完善同我国。