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关于亨利论文范文 WilliamHenryHarrisonMurray威廉·亨利·哈里森·穆里相关论文写作参考文献

分类:本科论文 原创主题:亨利论文 更新时间:2024-03-28


The summer of 1868 passed as an unremarkable1 season at Saranac Lake in New York’s Adirondack Mountains. The weather was fine, the scenery delightful, and about 200 to 300 hunters and anglers2 came to hunt and fish as usual. The summers of 1869 and 1870, however, were an altogether different story. The weather was more or less the same, and the scenery continued to entrance3, but thousands of men and women came to enjoy America’s newest recreation4—camping.


They had been inspired by what today we recognize as the watershed5 book in the history of American camping, Adventures in the Wilderness; or, Camp-Life in the Adirondacks, which had been written in 1869 by a minister6 named William Henry Harrison Murray (1840~1904). He became known as the father of the Outdoor Movement. The book is cited as changing common parlance7 to use “vacation” instead of the British “holiday” for people vacating their city homes.


Murray was born in Guilford, Connecticut in 1840. In his boyhood, he learned to shoot, hunt, and fish, even as he developed a reading habit and a taste for literature. Murray entered Yale College in 1858, and upon graduating immediately married Isadora Hull, who also loved the out of doors. Determined to become a minister, Murray entered the Congregationalist East Windsor Seminary near Hartford, Connecticut, where he finished his studies in 1864. He then served in a succession of churches in Connecticut and Massachusetts.


Murray took his first camping vacation in the Adirondacks in the summer of 1864 and returned annually8 for many years. Sometimes, Murray brought parties with him, which could include not only his friends, but also his wife and his friends’ wives. Smitten9 by the Adirondacks’ beauty and the leisure time he enjoyed there, Murray started writing about his trips in a series of lively, often humorous “narrative exercises”. In Murray’s case, the subjects included hunting, fishing, and the powerful beauty of nature.



1、 莫里森小中家园意象嬗变 摘 要:种族和“家”是莫里森作品首要关注的问题。她在多部小说中都探讨了美国“黑人之家”的内涵,也创造了丰富的“家园”意象。早期作品中的黑人因受白。

2、 田纳西·威廉斯剧作中地域诗学 内容摘要:第一次世界大战后,美国南方地区出现了小说和戏剧空前繁荣的局面,称为“南方文艺复兴”。田纳西·威廉斯作为南方文学作家群中最有代表性的剧作。

3、 我的朋友王威廉 在没有认识王威廉之前,我还以为他是个中老年作家。他的作品带给我强烈的撼动,既好读,又有思想性。那些思想似乎是由一个精致的容器来盛放,而不是任它自。

4、 威廉·卡洛斯·威廉姆斯诗十首 冬天的树木着装,换装,所有复杂细节都已完成!一轮流体月亮缓慢移动在长枝条间。如此,为花蕾抗冬作好准备,冬天肯定会来,智慧之树。

5、 威廉·莱斯的生态学马克思主义思想 [摘 要]威廉·莱斯站在批判的立场上,对“控制自然”的观念进行了全新的解释,“控制自然”即解放自然;莱斯在继承马尔库塞思想的基础上,将人的需求区。

6、 艾利丹尼森引领行业改变解读标签行业趋势 2017年12月6日,在2017亚洲国际标签印刷展览会期间,标签与包装材料行业的全球领导者艾利丹尼森举行了媒体发布会,艾利丹尼森标签与标示材料北。