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分类:专科论文 原创主题:包法利夫人论文 更新时间:2024-01-15





You will understand that such an event, striking like lightning before our very eyes and our perceptions(感官), was likely to cause considerable turmoil(骚动)in persons usually accustomed to an easygoing existence and carefree pastimes. But while this extraordinary incident was certainly the point of departure(起点)for the discussion that broke out so vehemently(激烈的地)at our table, almost bringing us to blows, in essence the dispute was more fundamental, an angry conflict between two warring concepts of life. For it soon became known from the indiscretion(不慎)of a chambermaid(女服务员)who had read the letter—in his helpless fury, the devastated husband had crumpled it up(揉皱)and dropped it on the floor somewhere—that Madame Henriette had not left alone but, by mutual agreement, with the young Frenchman[for whom most people’s like now swiftly began to evaporate(消失)]. At first glance, of course, it might seem perfectly understandable for this minor(二流的)Madame Bovary to exchange her stout(矮胖的), provincial(乡下的)husband for an elegant and handsome young fellow. But what aroused so much indignation(愤慨)in all present was the circumstance that neither the manufacturer nor his daughters, nor even Madame Henreitte herself, had ever set eyes on this Lovelace2(浪子)before, and consequently their evening conversation for a couple of hours on the terrace(露臺), and the one-hour session in the garden over black coffee, seemed to he sufficed to(足以)make a woman about thirty-three years old and of blameless reputation abandon her husband and two children overnight, following a young dandy(花花公子)previously unknown to her without a second thought. This apparently evident fact was unanimously condemned(遭到一致谴责)at our table as perfidious(背信弃义的、不忠的)deceit(欺骗)and a cunning manoeuvre(狡猾的策略)on the part of the two lovers: of course Madame must he been conducting a clandestine(秘密的)affair with the young man long before, and he had come here, Pied Piper3(诱拐者,善开空头支票的人)that he was, only to settle the final details of their flight, for—so our company deduced(推理)—it was out of the question for a decent woman who had known a man a mere couple of hours to run off just like that when he first whistled her up(召唤). It amused me to take a different view, and I energetically defended such an eventuality as possible, even probable in a woman who at heart had perhaps been ready to take some decisive action through all the years of a tedious(沉闷的), disappointing marriage. My unexpected opposition quickly made the discussion more general, and it became particularly agitated(激动的,焦虑不安的)when both married couples, the Germans and the Italians alike, denied the existence of the coup de foudre(一见钟情)with positively scornful indignation, condemning it as folly(荒唐,愚蠢)and tasteless romantic fantasy.



1、 法拉利誓将不媚俗进行到底 法兰克福车展上的“不和谐”音符在中国整体车市低迷的情况下,SUV销量却逆势上升,今年1-8月SUV累计销售350 74万辆,同比增长44 5%。

2、 波提切利和湘夫人 [人物简介]: 桑德罗·波提切利(Sandro Botticelli)是15世纪末佛罗伦萨的著名画家,意大利肖像画的先驱者,波提切利作品突破了精。

3、 包法利夫人中的三个男性人物形象 内容摘要:在《包法利夫人》的女主人公身上,我们看到了烂漫幻想与残酷现实的不可调和,而从三个男性人物形象身上,我们则能看到人性中平庸和懦弱的一面。。

4、 小学语文教学中读写结合利和法 [摘要]叶圣陶先生说:阅读是吸收,好像每天吃饭吸收营养一样,阅读就是吸收精神上的营养;写作是是表达,把脑子里的东西拿出来,让大家知道,或者用嘴说。

5、 法拉利陷入商标纠纷 日前,在德國的一家玩具制造商提起诉讼之后,杜塞尔多夫的一家联邦地区法院判定,法拉利最著名的品牌之一特斯塔罗萨(Testarossa)的同名商标将。

6、 Hublot宇舶BigBang法拉利陶瓷腕表 2015年,为庆祝品牌Big Bang系列诞生10周年,宇舶表与法拉利联手呈现两款全新腕表:“表”如其名的Big Bang法拉利黑色陶瓷,以充满。