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分类:职称论文 原创主题:人生阶段论文 更新时间:2024-02-21


You’ve most likely heard about suburbia1, suburban American. Suburbia is always featured in the movies, with the child riding his bike through the typical suburban neighborhood as other neighbors walk their dogs or are jogging on the sidewalk.2 Every house has the same type of door, the same facade, the same front lawn,3 and roughly the same type of living inside of it. Suburbia essentially4 is not merely a region within America, it also serves to be a way of life. Don’t get me wrong, as humans we’re all unique. However, I argue that suburbanites5 have a similar pattern of life. From childhood to adulthood, living in the American suburbs means you have a route of life that can almost be considered predetermined6. By predetermined I don’t mean it in the strictest sense, rather it’s a similar pattern of life with various discrepancies between individuals.7

Let’s begin with elementary school. I’m skipping the toddler8 stage, because no one remembers this part anyway. Elementary was the time for making lasting friends and acquaintances that will frankly never leave your life. With the various forms of social media to constantly keep in touch and the simple fact that everyone will somehow reunite in college, the children we go to elementary school with always end up remaining in our thoughts. For example, I very spontaneously saw an individual from my childhood strolling past me in the library at UVA.9 I had not seen him for at least five years, yet my elementary friendship with him had lasted. For the typical suburban child, elementary school years are memories of playing kickball underneath the strong rays of summer sun, going to your friends’ house after school and spending the entire day neglecting homework and playing games, riding bikes, eating dinosaur doughnuts.10 It’s typical to have neighborhood “gangs”11 as well. Of course I don’t mean serious gangs, rather just small cliques12 of children who live in the same neighborhood. It wasn’t rare for the neighborhood cliques to assemble shortly after school and ride banks around the neighborhood, or play a quick game of tag in someone’s yard.13 To this day, my friends and I are nostalgic for the good old days, where assignments were short,14 teachers were nice, responsibilities were none, and everything was simple.

The next step in the process is middle school. Middle school is typically the time from 7th to 8th grade, essentially when teenagers are 13 and 14 years old. Everyone likes to call our middle school years as our most awkward years mainly because of: braces and glasses.15 This isn’t supported by factual evidence, but I presume that 80% of middle schoolers have braces and of those 80% about 40% have glasses.16 For this article, I scrolled through17 old pictures from when I had braces and glasses when I was 14 years old and let me tell you: I was horrified. Moreover, middle school is the time when we begin to “try” to be cool. This means caring more about our appearance and saying swear words18 to show everyone just how cool we really were. The hangout spot for suburban middle schools is hands down the local shopping mall.19 This is where we go on the weekends, talk for hours as we stroll the mall, eat junk food, and possibly even buy a shirt or two. Other hangout spots are the ice skating rink20, the movies, etc. Lastly, middle schoolers begin to develop their rebellious stage that either downs down or galvanizes in high school.21



1、 价值挖掘新阶段卖方力凸显 广发证券、兴业证券、海通证券、国泰君安、长江证券的研究团队分获“本土金牌研究团队”前五名。“2017第十一届卖方分析师水晶球奖”评选落幕,38。

2、 浙江省监察委主任为何调查阶段律师不宜介入 “反腐败压倒性的态势已经形成,并且正在巩固和发展。但反腐败的形势依然严峻复杂,反腐败的力度不会减轻。”3月14日上午,全国人大代表、浙江省纪委书。

3、 教育·公益·藝術人生 鄘啟濤博士的人生充滿感人的傳奇故事,歷久彌新。他生於亂世,自强於憂患,貢獻鄉村教育事業,躬親力行“生活教育觀”,一生春風化雨不言倦,成為香港卓。

4、 岁月如歌,歌展人生 人生伊始:人生的曙光——“当初踏进香江那片地,已蕴育一股不屈的心,那乡间带来纯朴坚韧之志,已为这成功播下种子”1976年的一天,正在睡梦中的。

5、 书香润心如兰人生 廖书兰博士她人如其名,“书”是她心头之爱,是生命中不可或缺的重要一部分。她热爱文学,醉心诗词,於她而言,最惬意之事莫过於,俯首案头,在字里行间。

6、 能文能武绘人生华章春风化雨育香江桃李 傅世亨先生是一位博学多识、成就颇丰的艺术家,既能笔走龙蛇、写出洒脱豪放的书法,又能妙手丹青、创作出中西结合的国画作品,还可以以精细活泼的刀工、。