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分类:职称论文 原创主题:论文英文摘要论文 更新时间:2024-01-24



Further Discussion on Chinese EcophilosophyMeng Peiyuan

Chinese people learned and realized the significance of ecological issues as early as in ancient times. Although they did not mention the term ecophilosphy then, they did something more practical for human beings, i.e., proposing the philosophy of “harmony between man and nature” on the basis of advocating a harmonious development. Chinese ecophilosophy comes from the same origin of Chinese philosophy, standing for the unique contribution of the latter. Chinese philosophy, in a sense, is ecophilosophy.

Ancient Chinese Philosophy is Ecophilosophy:On Meng Peiyuan’s Views of Ecophilosophy

Yu Mouchang

Meng Peiyuan pointed out in his writings that ancient Chinese philosophy is ecophilosophy. He not only revealed the history of Chinese ecophilosophy by citing other scholars’ works, but also made further study to share his viewpoints valuable to modern ecophilosophy research and China’s ecophilosophical construction.

Transformation of Subjectivity from the Epistemic Subject to the Virtuous Subject:A Study of Meng Peiyuan’s Ecophilosophical ThoughtHe Xiao

In recent years, with the frequent conflict between man and nature, the living environment of human beings has been threatened and the ecological crisis has become more and more serious. Meng Peiyuan’s ecophilosophy is a timely response to these issues. Meng analyzes the root cause of ecological crisis and applies China’s ancient philosophical ideas to his solution which focuses on changing man’s ways of dealing with nature and transforming man’s mode of thinking, i.e., replacing the traditional western epistemic subject with the virtuous subject in the traditional Chinese philosophy in relationship between man and nature. Moreover, Meng emphasizes that “benevolence” is the true feeling that man has when he faces nature. If man understands the feeling of benevolence, he can experience the “joy” advocated by Confucianism and attain to the state of “harmony between man and nature” in Chinese philosophy.

The “Meng Style Discourse” in Chinese Philosophy:A Review of Meng Peiyuan’s Chinese Philosophy ResearchZhang Simin & Qiao Qingju

Meng Peiyuan’s Chinese philosophy research covers three aspects: Neo-Confucianism, the Chinese philosophical way of thinking and philosophy of mind, and Chinese ecophilosophy. In his study of Neo-Confucianism, Meng attaches much importance to its development logic and category system on the one hand and sets Zhuxi studies as its core on the other hand so that his research is comprehensive and well focused. In Meng’s opinion, the theoretical attributes of Chinese philosophy are subjective thinking and philosophy of mind and emotion—the former emphasizes the unity of subject and object, while the latter is the main pattern to develop the mind. In the aspect of ecophilosophy, Meng stresses that taking “harmony between man and nature” as the key proposition of Chinese philosophy indicates that ecology is the theoretical foundation of traditional Chinese thought. Meng’s Chinese philosophy research is featured with clear disciplinary awareness, diversified research perspectives, the principle of unifying history and logic, and objective evaluation of Chinese philosophy. These four characteristics consist of the unique “Meng style discourse” on Chinese philosophy.



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2、 学术论文摘要撰写 摘要:针对学术期刊投稿和编辑中论文摘要大面积写作不规范的现实,以数例研究学术论文摘要写作的论文摘要编写不规范为典型案例,指出摘要“摘而无要”、“。

3、 再议英语本科毕业论文英文摘要中存在的问题 【摘要】论文摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短概述。很多学者针对英语专业本科毕业论文摘要内容及文体进行了研究,但基于数据统计分析的研究并不太。

4、 英文摘要 AbstractsInstitutional Coordination and the Future Asian Security Archi。

5、 实证会计论文写作十诫 【摘 要】 近年来,实证会计论文在我国会计学术界风起云涌、源源不断。毋庸置疑,论文写作中的问题也层出不穷,那么,如何写好“八股”式实证会计论文,。

6、 陕西省审计学会第七届审计青年论坛论文获奖名单 一等奖李 芳(陕西省审计厅) 董寒光(陕西省审计厅)杨英琪(西安市雁塔区审计局) 程静静(商洛市镇安县审计局)二等奖杨积平(陕西省审计厅。