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分类:论文范文 原创主题:英文摘要论文 更新时间:2024-02-14


Prediction of academic performance and risk: a review of literature on predicative indicators in learning analytics

Yizhou Fan and Qiong Wang

As a research area to construct meaning from data, learning analytics has drawn great attention from academics in its development. One of the key issues of learning analytics, researched both domestically and abroad in comprehensive empirical studies and with profound research result, is how to predict learners’ learning success or failure. However, there have been limitations in the literature review of studies of predicative indicators neglecting the applicable situations or contexts, blurring the task types and suitable participants and leaving out representative researchers, their studies and practice. Through systematic literature retrieval and review, focusing on learning contexts and task types, this study analyzes three types of commonly used predictive indicators, namely, dispositional indicators, human-machine interaction indicators, and human-human interaction indicators. It gives a detailed account of crucial predictive indicators proven to be effective, namely, past academic performance, initial knowledge, learning motivation, positive or negative learning behaviors, learner’s emotional status, knowledge representation events, human-human interaction frequency, sense of community, etc. This study also analyzes one typical learning analysis system in each of the four quadrants developed based on the two dimensions of “at school or in the workplace” and “individual learning or group learning”. Finally, future development and research trends are proposed.

Keywords: education big data; learning analytics; predictive analytics; predictive indicator; academic performance; academic risk; literature review

The effect of mind mapping on student academic performance: A meta-analysis of 10 years’ international mind mapping practice

Yu Li, Yangli Chai and Hanbing Yan

There have been controversial theories among international scholars about the effectiveness of mind mapping, as an important learning approach, in improving academic performance, the basic characteristics of effective mind mapping-facilitated learning or the factors influencing this mode of learning. Selecting samples from international empirical studies about mind mapping in the last 10 years (2007-2016) from renowned databases like China National Knowledge Infrastructure and Web of Science, this study analyzes 60 sample references conforming to the standards of meta-analysis (The total sample sizes are 6,225, including 132 effect sizes). The analysis is done through standardized coding, descriptive data collection, main effect, heterogeneity, moderator effect and publication bias, etc. The result shows the average effect size is 0.763 in terms of how much mind mapping contributes to students’ academic performance improvement. According to Hedges’g standard, Mind Map is conducive to the improvement of academic performance for students. The effects also depend on students’ characteristics and what they study. In particular, different students and study content would result in distinctive magnitude of the effects. Finally, the study points out the limitations and potential areas to explore in this field.



1、 科技论文英文摘要的常见问题回顾 摘 要:本文基于《光电子快报(英文版)》稿件的编辑加工实践,发现英文摘要写作存在不规范的问题,依据科技论文英文摘要的结构和编写原则,从写作内容和。

2、 再议英语本科毕业论文英文摘要中存在的问题 【摘要】论文摘要是对论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短概述。很多学者针对英语专业本科毕业论文摘要内容及文体进行了研究,但基于数据统计分析的研究并不太。

3、 英文摘要 AbstractsInstitutional Coordination and the Future Asian Security Archi。

4、 蔡英文會是馬英九第二嗎 流年不利的蔡英文除執政成效不彰外,在民調持續滑落的趨勢下,連統治權威也遭各派系的挑戰。如獨派居中串連要求蔡英文承諾至多做滿一任交棒給「儲君」賴清。

5、 英文原版影视剧对大学英语教学辅助作用 多媒体教学的发展与变革使得课堂活动不仅仅局限于单调的纸质课本,各种内容丰富多彩且生动有趣的教学资源纷纷涌现,其中,英文原版影视剧因具有与实际生活。

6、 消费心理视角下企业网站英文特殊翻译 摘 要:企业网站英文简介是国外消费者了解中国企业的窗口,是企业一种重要的营销方式。本文将从消费心理视角探讨在翻译过程中,没有考虑到消费者心理因素。