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关于回弹论文范文 激光拼焊板车门内板回弹模拟相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:回弹论文 更新时间:2024-03-28


摘 要:為了研究拼焊板在成形过程中存在的回弹问题,提高零件的成形质量,对某轿车激光拼焊板车门内板进行了冲压成形及回弹的研究,预测了在成形过程中可能出现的缺陷,通过设置拉深筋和调整压边力进行了工艺优化.在成形效果满意的情况下,对车门内板进行回弹分析,再根据回弹结果对模具进行整体回弹补偿,运用补偿后的模具重新进行成形和回弹的数值模拟,研究结果表明:通过补偿,横向厚板最大位移由原来的14439mm减小到0493mm;横向薄板最大位移由原来的7237mm减小到3941mm;纵向有法兰侧最大位移由4360mm减小到2199mm;纵向没有法兰侧最大位移由3490mm减小到1132mm,由此可知,经过模具型面补偿成形的零件回弹后和标准零件型面更加接近,运用这种方法能有效地减少回弹对零件装配精度的影响,得到高质量的车门内板覆盖件.



中图分类号: TG38641

文献标志码: A

文章编号: 1007-2683(2017)05-0103-07

收稿日期: 2016-03-23

基金项目: 黑龙江省自然科学基金(E201102)






Springback Simulation of the Inner Door Panel of the Laser Tailorwelded Blanks

LIU Xiaojing,WANG Yawei,WANG Cong,FENG Zhangchao

(School of Material Science and Engineering, Harbin University of Science and Technology, Harbin 150040, China)

Abstract:In order to study the problem of tailor welded blanks (TWBs) springback in the forming process and improve its forming quality, a study on the laser TWBs of car door inner panel was made, which was about punch forming and springback Besides, its possible defects were predicted in the forming process, then the process optimization was conducted by setting the draw bead and adjusting the pressurepadforce In the case of satisfied forming results, the car door inner panel was made springback analysis Then based on this rebound results, the pattern die was carried out overall springback compensation, and the numerical simulation of forming and springback was proceeded again by using that compensated pattern die The results showed that, through the compensation, the maximum displacement of transverse thick plate is reduced form 14439mm to 0493mm, and that transverse sheet is reduced form 7237mm to 3941mm; the maximum displacement of its longitudinal direction with flange side is reduced form 4360mm to 2199mm, and that without flange side is reduced from 3490mm to 1132mm Therefore, after inevitable springback, the parts with surface compensation formed by the compensated pattern die are closer to standard parts than others Furthermore, using this method, it is effective to reduce the springback influence about parts assembling accuracy, with obtaining a high quality car door inner panel cover

Keywords:TailorWelded Blanks; springback compensation; numerical simulation; the inner door panel



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