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关于鱼糜论文范文 鱼糜漂洗水中回收蛋白质对鲶鱼火腿凝胶特性影响相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:鱼糜论文 更新时间:2024-02-12


摘 要:采用等电点沉淀法回收鲶鱼漂洗液中的肌浆蛋白,并将其按照不同比例(2%、4%、6%、8%和10%)添加到鲶鱼火腿中,并以未添加改良剂(对照组)、添加玉米淀粉(AG组)和添加谷氨酰胺转氨酶(TG组)的火腿作为对照,研究鲶鱼漂洗液回收蛋白质对鲶鱼火腿凝胶特性、质构特征、色泽和蛋白含量的影响.结果表明:鲶鱼火腿的凝胶强度、咀嚼性、胶着度和硬度均随着回收蛋白质添加量(2%~10%)的增加而先逐渐升高后降低.回收蛋白质的添加轻微降低了鲶鱼火腿的亮度,但能显著增加火腿的蛋白质含量.当回收蛋白质的添加量为6%时,鲶鱼火腿的凝胶强度达到最大值(1 484.00±3.75)g,显著高于对照组、AG组和TG组.此时火腿的嫩度、咀嚼性、胶着度和硬度较对照组分别提高了26%、74%、74%和74%,蛋白质含量较对照组增加了23.08%.


Influence of Proteins Recovered from Rinsing Water of Catfish Surimi on Gel Properties of Catfish Sausage

FAN Xiaopan1, WANG Siyu1, GUO Yaohua1,2, MA Lizhen1,2,*, ZHANG Ling3

(1. National R&D Branch Center For Conventional Freshwater Fish Processing (Tianjin), Tianjin Engineering and Technology Research Center of Agricultural Products Processing, College of Food Science and Biotechnology, Tianjin Agricultural University,

Tianjin 300384, China; 2.Tianjin Key Laboratory of Aqua-Ecology and Aquaculture, College of Fisheries, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin 300384, China; 3.Key Laboratory of High Value Transformation and Quality Control Technology of Surimi of Enterprise, Tianjin Kuanda Aquatic Food Co. Ltd., Tianjin 300304, China)

Abstract: The present research evaluated the influence of adding different proportions (2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%) of sarcoplasmic proteins recovered from the rinsing water of catfish surimi by precipitation at the isoelectric point on gel properties, texture characteristics, color parameters and protein content of catfish sausage. For this purpose, samples with no added modifier (control group), with 5% corn starch (AG group) and with 0.5% glutamine transaminase (TG group) were taken as controls. The results showed that the gel strength, chewiness, gumminess and hardness of catfish sausage first increased and then decreased with increasing addition of the recovered proteins from 2% to 10%. Addition of the proteins resulted in a slight decrease in brightness with a simultaneous significant increase in protein content. When adding 6% of the recovered proteins, the gel strength of catfish ham reached the maximum value of (1 484.00 ± 3.75) g, which was significantly higher than that of the control, AG and TG groups. Moreover, compared to the control group, tenderness, chewiness, gumminess and hardness increased by 26%, 74%, 74% and 74% respectively, and protein content rose by 23.08%.

Key words: rinsing water from surimi production; recovered protein; catfish sausage; gel properties




1、 鱼糜制品营养、理化指标和挥发性N—亚硝胺含量相关性分析 摘 要:为研究鱼糜制品中挥发性N-亚硝胺的含量及其影响因素,采用凯氏定氮、紫外分光光度和气相色谱等方法测定常见市售鱼糜制品的营养、理化指标及9。

2、 网传金龙鱼回收地沟油两名传谣者被刑拘 本刊讯 近日,造谣传谣“地沟油被金龙鱼回收”的网络谣言事件取得突破性进展。7月4日,天津市滨海新区公安局保税分局官方微博对外发布,两名涉案人员因。

3、 蛋白质摄入,你够了吗 无论你是一名经验丰富的跑者,还是跑步的初学者,一定要确保每天都摄入足够的蛋白质。这一点对跑步表现和体能恢复至关重要。跑者往往更关注碳水化合物的摄。

4、 对跑者最佳蛋白质 跑者比非运动员所需的蛋白质更多,更频繁,原因也更多。相比久坐的人,跑者需要更多的蛋白質。相对于电视迷需要0 16克蛋白质而言,那些经常跑步一小。

5、 废物回收利用构想 废物是一种放错地方的资源,对废物充分的回收利用,能够发挥出巨大的价值。以往我国对于废物回收并不重视,回收利用效率很低,造成了大量的资源浪费。而随。