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关于新目标英语论文范文 新目标英语九年级Unit4单元要点检测题相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:新目标英语论文 更新时间:2024-04-20

新目标英语九年级Unit4单元要点检测题是大学硕士与本科新目标英语毕业论文开题报告范文和相关优秀学术职称论文参考文献资料下载,关于免费教你怎么写新目标初中英语 电子书方面论文范文。



( )1. —Why did you say Tim is living in a ______ world?

—Because he has been deaf since he was a small boy.

A. provide B. wonderful C. dark D. silent

( )2. —Bob, you need to ______ from TV. Watching it too long is bad for your eyes.

—OK, I’ll go to bed at once.

A. take turns B. take risks C. take breaks D. take steps

( )3. —Linda wants to become a world famous tennis player.

—She’s so talented. I think she’s going to ______ in the world.

A. make room B. make progress C. make it D. make up

( )4. —I’m afraid I’m going to ______ you much trouble.

—I am glad to help. What is it?

A. provide B. reach C. leave D. cause

( )5. —There are too many people in the square.

—Look. A man in black suit is making his way through the ______ to the center of it.

A. groups B. crowds C. roads D. moments

( )6. —Do I need to say something about Michael Jackson before we sing his song?

—Michael Jackson, of course, needs no ______. He’s known to us all.

A. introduction B. instruction C. information D. invitation

( )7. —You and Owen were deskmates when you were in senior high school.

—We became the best of friends since then and he ______ me deeply.

A. felt B. controlled C. hurt D. influenced

( )8. —Victor used to stay alone on his own and kept everything to himself.

—But he ______ many activities and happy now.

A. is absent from B. is proud of

C. becomes active in D. becomes careful of

( )9. —Your parents must be very angry with you if they know about this.

—I’ll manage to keep my parents in the ______ about it.

A. box B. corner C. dark D. secret

( )10. —Is the performance worth watching?

—Oh, ______. It’s just unreal. But everybody is so happy.

A. I can’t tell it B. I can’t explain it

C. I can’t wait D. I can’t complain


Jillian is known across the U.S. for her teaching skills. She teaches math at a public school in East Harlem, New York. She’s been there since 1966.

In 1992, Jillian 1 the Outstanding Teacher of Math prize. A year later, she received 2 teaching prize. This time, it was from President Clinton. In September 1993, the Public Broadcasting Service did a TV 3 about her.

In her 4 , Jillian sometimes dresses up as a magician or makes out of a box of chocolates. She says that 5 the students’ attention is very important.



1、 新目标英语九年级Unit14知识要点归纳 【重点词组或短语】1 win a prize 获奖2 do a school survey 做一个学校调查3 meet the st。

2、 新目标英语九年级Unit5知识要点归纳 【重点词组或短语】1 be made of 由……制成(可以看出原材料)2 be made from由……制成(看不出原材料)3 t。

3、 新目标英语九年级Unit7知识要点归纳 【重点词组或短语】1 allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 2 allow doing sth 允许做某事3 d。

4、 新目标英语九年级Unit1单元要点检测题 一、选择填空。(共10小题,每小题2分,计20分)( )1 —I only copied math homework once, and t。

5、 新目标英语八年级(上)Unit4知识要点归纳 【重点词组或短语】1 be the closest to home 离家最近 2 the shortest waiting time最短的。

6、 新目标英语八年级(上)Unit4知识要点归纳 【重点词组或短语】1 be the closest to home 离家最近 2 the shortest waiting time最短的。