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关于新目标英语论文范文 新目标英语七年级(下)Unit6单元要点检测题相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:新目标英语论文 更新时间:2024-01-23




第一部分 听力部分.(共两节,总分25分)

第一节 听力选择.(共15小题,每小题1分,总分15分)



( )1. What are they talking about?

( )2. What is the girl’s sister doing now?

( )3. What does the girl mean?

A. She’s sick at home. B. She will do homework. C. She’s not free.

( )4. When did the boy read the story book?

A. The day before yesterday.B. Yesterday afternoon. C. Last weekend.

( )5. Whose phone is it?

A. His brother’s. B. His uncle’s. C. His father’s.


( )6. What is the boy doing?

A. Going shopping. B. Cleaning a car. C. Cleaning the floor.

( )7. When did the boy’s mom leave?

A. At eight o’clock. B. At nine o’clock. C. At ten o’clock.


( )8. What does the boy often do on Sunday?

A. Go skating in a park. B. Watch a cartoon movie.C. Visit his grandparents.

( )9. What will the boy do before going skating this Saturday afternoon?

A. He’ll help his mother with housework.

B. He’ll buy a dictionary for his sister.

C. He’ll go to the cinema with his sister.


( )10. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Husband and wife. B. Teacher and parent. C. Father and son.

( )11. What day is it today?

A. It’s Wednesday. B. It’s Thursday. C. It’s Friday.

( )12. When will the meeting start?

A. At 6:00 p.m. B. At 6:40 p.m. C. At 7:00 p.m.


( )13. What is Janet doing?

A. Helping younger children with reading stories.

B. Helping her teacher with cleaning office.

C. Helping her mother with her housework.

( )14. Why did Peter come back earlier?

A. He didn’t like watching the volleyball game.

B. He didn’t like watching the football game.

C. He didn’t like helping his teacher in the office.

( )15. What sport does Peter like?

A. Playing basketball. B. Playing football. C. Playing volleyball.

第二节 笔录要点.(共5小题,每小题2分,总分10分)


What Are They Doing?

第二部分 笔试部分




1、 新目标英语八年级(上)Unit6知识要点归纳 【重点词组或短语】1 grow up 成长;长大2 be sure about 对……有把握3 make sure 确信;务必4 。

2、 新目标英语八年级(下)Unit5知识要点归纳 【重点词组或短语】1 make sure 确信;确认3 beat against 拍打……5 fall asleep 進入梦乡。

3、 新目标英语七年级(下)Unit8知识要点归纳 post n 邮政 office n 办公室police n 警察hotel n 旅店;酒店restaurant n 餐馆 ba。

4、 新目标英语八年级(上)Unit4知识要点归纳 【重点词组或短语】1 be the closest to home 离家最近 2 the shortest waiting time最短的。

5、 新目标英语七年级(下)Unit1知识要点归纳 guitar n 吉他sing v 唱歌swim v 游泳dance v 跳舞draw v 画chess n 国际象棋s。

6、 新目标英语七年级(上)Unit6知识要点归纳 【重点词组或短语】eat well 吃得好a running star 跑步明星a lot of = lots of 很多eat hea。