
关于电抗器论文范文 直流制式下机车变压器用作电抗器电磁特性分析设计优化相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:电抗器论文 更新时间:2024-02-14


摘 要:跨线运行的电气机车,由直流供电时其变压器用作滤波电抗器.本文针对一台心式结构且具有4个高压和4个低压(牵引)绕组的机车变压器在直流供电时的有关电磁特性进行了研究.此时,高压绕组并联开路,低压绕组两两串联分别接入两个直流回路中用于滤波,两个直流回路或同时工作或单独工作.按同一铁心柱上两个绕组串联连接,则4个低压绕组有4种接法.文章在用ANSYS软件对磁场进行深入分析的基础上,计算了绕组间的电感矩阵及相应连接时的电感.同时,深入研究了4个低压绕组两两串联后或同时工作或单独工作时电感值随负载电流变化的特性,推荐了直流制式下变压器用作滤波电抗器时其低压绕组一种较合适的连接方式,且这种连接方式的电感计算值得到了试验验证.文章最后还针对所推荐的连接方式,在单回路工作时较双回路工作时所呈现的电感值差异,提出了一种增设第三绕组的补偿方案,并就有关问题进行了分析.



Analysis of Electromagnetic Characteristics of a Locomotive

Transformer as a Filter and Design Optimization in DC System

LI Xiaosong1,WU Suping2, ZHOU Zhenglong2

(1.Hunan Province Key Laboratory of Intelligent Power Grid Operation and Control, Changsha Univ of Science

and Technology, Changsha,Hunan410004,China; 2.China Shell Exploration Co Ltd,Chengdu,Sichuan610016, China)

Abstract:AC supply and DC supply coexist in electrified railway in some countries, such as South Africa. When a locomotive runs to a railway section powered by DC, its transformer is usually used as a filter reactor. In this paper, the electromagnetic characteristics of a locomotive transformer in DC system were studied with a geometry of "Ccore" coretype and four high voltage windings and four low voltage windings symmetrically arranged on two core limbs respectively. When a locomotive is powered by DC, the four high voltage windings of a transformer are connected in parallel and in open circuit, and the two low voltage windings on a limb are connected in series and used as the filter reactor. There are two DC powered circuits in a locotomotive and one of them can work alone or the two work together. In this paper, the magnetic field of the transformer was analyzed and the inductances were calculated, in which different connections of the four low voltage windings were considered. Moreover the characteristics of inductances with changes of the currents in the windings were studied, and the inductance computation was proved with tests for that in which a DC circuit works alone. Then, a proper connection of the low voltage windings in DC system was proposed according to the above analysis. Finally, some investigation was done to increase the inductance when a DC circuit works alone and an improved design was presented.

Key words:electric transformer locomotive; DC power supply; connection ways of the low voltage windings; analysis of magnetic field; calculation of inductance; improved design



1、 新型双电源转换开关直流速动电磁机构的设计和优化 摘 要:双电源转换开关对于保证重要场合正常供电的持续性至关重要,新型双电源转换开关依赖电磁机构带动触头系统替代断路器进行切换。基于新型双电源转换。

2、 铁路货运机车检修资源配置和运用优化 摘 要:社会经济的发展提高了人们的生活水平,但同时,也为交通运输带来了极大的压力。在铁路运输方面,因社会各行业对铁路运输的期望越来越高,加之其行。

3、 一种智能化变压器油位计设计 【摘 要】智能化油位计能够做到变压器油位测量的数字化,变压器油位报警判断的智能化和对变压器油位进行精确测量,从而对辖区内运行中的电力系统主变压器。

4、 HXD1型机车牵引货物列车坡停 【摘 要】针对HXD1型机车在包西线、红柠专用线高坡区段发生坡停的问题,分析坡停发生的原因,从完善防坡停措施、确保砂质、砂量、细化坡道起车办法及。

5、 交流传动电力机车动力性能控制 文章通过对机车动力控制方式,交流电机的特性,及电机工作参数控制的方法,对机车牵引变流器的原理、结构、控制进行了细致的分析和论述。机车的控制是通过。

6、 新形势下电厂变压器油色谱异常分析和处理 发电厂中变压器油色谱异常能够有效地反映变压器的一些运行故障,本文将应用发电厂变压器油色谱异常的一般分析方法,通过变压器油色谱异常的一些具体处理方。