
关于ADefenseforJosephConradAnImpartialRe论文范文 ADefenseforJosephConradAnImpartialRe—ReadingofHeartofDarkness相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:ADefenseforJosephConradAnImpartialRe论文 更新时间:2024-02-29


【Abstract】Joseph Conrad is an important modernist writer at the turn of the 20th century whose work Heart of Darkness has earned him great fame as well as criticism. Heart of Darkness is welcomed for the marvelous description of a sailor’s experience on the sea. However, it does earn Conrad the reputation of a misogynist because it is dominated by male characters, seemingly paying no attention to women. This essay endeavors to justify Joseph Conrad as a writer who actually is very much concerned about the situation of women by carrying out an impartial re-reading of Heart of Darkness.

【Key words】Joseph Conrad; misogynist; Heart of Darkness

【摘 要】约瑟夫·康拉德是20世纪末的一位重要现代作家.他的作品《黑暗的心灵》为他赢得巨大声誉,也使他受到各种批判.《黑暗的心灵》出色地再现了水手在海上的生活经历,但也因以男性为主要人物,看似无视女人而使康拉德被视为厌恶女人的人.本文秉承不偏不倚的态度重读《黑暗的心灵》致力于为康拉德辩护,证明他是一个关心女性生存状况的作家.

【关键词】约瑟夫·康拉德 厌恶女人的人 《黑暗的心灵》

Ⅰ. Introduction

Heart of Darkness is one of Joseph Conrad’s most ambiguous and difficult stories, and it has become extensively influential after its first publication in 1899. In the preface of this novella, Conrad confessed that, Heart of Darkness was inspired by his journey to Congo in 1890. Just as the narrator Marlow in it, he too went to Congo with the help of one of his influential aunt and the whole story was based on this experience. This confession, however, makes readers believe that Conrad is equal to the narrator Marlow, and that the latter speaks for the former.

A first glance at Heart of Darkness shows Marlow’s account of a journey up Congo in a hard search for Kurtz, a trader with eloquence and hypnotic personality, dominates the brutal tribesmen around him. Full of contempt for the greedy traders who exploit the natives, the narrator Marlow cannot deny the power of this evil figure who calls forth from him something somewhat labeled as reluctant loyalty. After reading the novella, most readers would agree that Marlow and Kurtz are the central figures.

It has to be admitted that compared with numerous male characters, there are only five female characters in this novella: Marlow’s aunt, two doorkeepers of the trade company, Kurtz’s European intended, and his native Mistress. They make very brief appearances and are given only a passing mention in Marlow’s narrative. There are so few words to describe these five women that readers may ignore their existence.

Therefore, since the appearance of Heart of Darkness, it has invited many critical reviews. Many critics especially feminists tend to stereotype Conrad as a novelist whose main concern is the male world and who is hostile to women. They charge Conrad of writing mainly for men, and dismiss his feminine creations as secondary and generally ineffective.




