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关于学会放手论文范文 学会放手相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:学会放手论文 更新时间:2024-02-26


On a blustery March morning when my children were young, I took them down to an open field to fly a kite I had made out of pine sticks, butcher paper and glue. Seeing their excitement as the kite rose over the treetops, I wondered how I would feel when the day came that they yearned for their own freedom.

Back home that evening I wrote a poem called Flying Kites. In it a father gets a kite airborne, and hands the string to his son, instructing him to hold it tight. The child flies the kite for a few minutes, then suddenly drops the string and lets the kite soar. With joy in his eyes, he watches it climb until it is only a dancing speck in the distance. The father realizes that eventually he’ll have to loosen the tie that binds him to his son. And he wonders, “Will I release the string as unselfishly as that?” When I finished the poem, I felt a little smug. Surely I would never stand in the way of my children becoming free and independent.

A decade and a half later, our daughter, Linda, was ready to pursue higher education. I expected her to attend the local community college where my wife and I taught, but she enrolled in a state college which was more than 100 miles away. Then our son, Gary, made a decision that was even harder to take. After graduating from community college, he transferred to a state college (an idea I had adjusted to). But in the middle of his junior year, Gary announced he wouldn’t finish his schooling. He wanted to come back home, find a job and marry his fiancée.

I tried to talk him out of it. This would be a terrible mistake. He was an excellent student, capable of great things. Education had made all the difference to me. How could my son not recognize its importance? None of my reasoning made any difference. At the end of the semester, Gary moved back home. I was deeply disappointed.

With jobs scarce in our mountain town, he managed to find one at a nursery and went at it with his usual enthusiasm. In fact, he liked working outdoors with plants and seemed to have a knack for it. I, however, continued to stew. What was a college professor’s son doing at a job that any high-school dropout could perform?

As the date for his marriage approached, I tried one last time to talk some sense into him. I asked him, “Have you given any more thought to going back to school?” “Not really,” Gary said.

“Look,” I said, “in a few years you’ll be at your high-school reunion with former classmates who became doctors, lawyers, engineers and teachers.” I paused to let my words sink in, and asked, “Do you think you’ll be able to handle that?” “Yes, Dad,” he replied without hesitation, “I can handle that.” Then grinning broadly, he fixed his eyes on mine and said, “But the real question is: can you?”



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2、 学会吃青蛙,成就不同人生 时间,对于忙碌的都市人而言,绝对是最宝贵的稀缺资源。无论是工作、学习,还是生活,想要做的事情太多,但时间却有限。但是,总有些人能够更有效地利用时。

3、 学会建议客户 商业世界正经历天翻地覆的变化。消费者和企业一样,也跌入了迷宫,再没有坚定的品牌信念。但这为公司提供了一个全新的商业机会。如今的消费者身处“新大。

4、 澳大学者获美国刑事司法科学学会傑出贡献奖 澳門大学社会科学学院社会学系教授刘建宏,获国际刑事司法最具权威的学术组织“美国刑事司法科学学会”授予2018年度“格哈德˙O W˙米勒奖”(Ge。

5、 陕西省审计学会第七届审计青年论坛论文获奖名单 一等奖李 芳(陕西省审计厅) 董寒光(陕西省审计厅)杨英琪(西安市雁塔区审计局) 程静静(商洛市镇安县审计局)二等奖杨积平(陕西省审计厅。