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关于流行病论文范文 孤独是一种健康流行病吗相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:流行病论文 更新时间:2024-01-22


Earlier this year, Britain appointed its first“minister for loneliness,” who is charged with tackling what Prime Minister Theresa May called the “sad reality of modern life.”

Public-health leaders immediately praised the idea—and for good reason. In recent decades, researchers have discovered that loneliness left untreated is not just psychically painful; it also can have serious medical consequences. Rigorous epidemiological1 studies have linked loneliness and social isolation to heart disease, cancer, depression, diabetes and suicide. Vivek Murthy, the former United States surgeon general, has written that loneliness and social isolation are “associated with a reduction in life span similar to that caused by smoking 15 cigarettes a day and even greater than that associated with obesity.”

But is loneliness, as many political officials and pundits2 are warning, a growing “health epidemic”? I don’t believe so, nor do I believe it helps anyone to describe it that way. Social disconnection is a serious matter, yet if we whip up3 a panic over its prevalence and impact, we’re less likely to deal with it properly.

Anxiety about loneliness is a common feature of modern societies. Today, two major causes of loneliness seem possible. One is that societies throughout the world have embraced a culture of individualism. More people are living alone, and aging alone, than ever. Neoliberal social policies have turned workers into precarious free agents,4 and when jobs disappear, things fall apart fast. Labor unions, civic associations, neighborhood organizations, religious groups and other traditional sources of social solidarity are in steady decline. Increasingly, we all feel that we’re on our own.

The other possible cause is the rise of communications technology, including smartphones, social media and the internet. A decade ago, companies like Facebook, Apple and Google pledged that their products would help create meaningful relationships and communities. Instead, we’ve used the media system to deepen existing divisions, at both the individual and group levels. We may have thousands of“friends” and “followers” on Facebook and Instagram, but when it comes to human relationships, it turns out there’s no substitute for building them the old-fashioned way, in person.

In light of these two trends, it’s easy to believe we’re experiencing an “epidemic” of loneliness and isolation. Surprisingly, though, the best data do not actually show drastic spikes5 in either loneliness or social isolation.



1、 时限性自我调节理论:健康行为的一种新取向 摘 要 时限性自我调节理论是在“意图-行为”模型基础上,强调时间、行为优势和自我调节能力对健康行为共同影响的新理论。该理论认为一致性观念和时。

2、 王尔琪健康乐园是事业,更是一种情怀 他是典型的优质型创业人才———名校背景,仪表堂堂,还有大企业的工作经验。他曾两次砸掉了光鲜亮丽的“铁饭碗”,回国创业。他2009年被常州市科学。

3、 痴迷健康饮食也是一种病 养成健康饮食习惯,是保持身体健康的重要环节。因此,健康专家和营养学家都一再强调注重饮食健康的益处和必要性。可你一定想象不到,过度重视健康饮食,也。

4、 孤独是种可怕病 现代社会有着川流不息的车水马龙,摩肩接踵的拥挤人潮,觥筹交错的应酬交际,但人们还是普遍感到孤独。孤独并不只是一种感觉,对于老年人来说,感受到的社。

5、 生态健康果园中几种生物药剂防治梨木虱的药效试验 摘 要:本文从生态健康理念出发,以沙依东生态健康果园为研究对象,利用0 5%藜芦碱水剂可溶性液剂、0 3%苦参碱水剂和0 6%乙基多杀菌素对香梨。