
关于天作之合论文范文 社交媒体和项目管理联姻是天作之合相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:天作之合论文 更新时间:2024-04-09



Social Media is undoubtedly a disruptive innovation driving new means of wealth creation, creativity in business and ease of organizing an individual’s social life. However, all is not hunky dory (没问题) .

One could be tempted to think that bringing together social media and project management would be like "a match made in heaven". Social media can help project management achieve efficiencies in many areas. Examples are: fuller support for communication between project team members and stakeholders; management of issues that arise as a project proceeds; widening project knowledge to include more tacit knowledge; efficient dissemination of updates made to the project plan; effective dissemination of lessons learned when things don’t happen as predicted.

But it appears that, despite the unprecedented project management activities across different business sectors and economies, any formal use of social media for project management is still quite limited and, in many environments, non-existent. What might be the reasons for such a situation? In the present article, we attempt to look into possible causes of such a scenario and highlight some of the potential drawbacks of using social media for project management.

Information overload

The ease of access and ease of sharing functionalities of social media apps could lead to a mindset of sending out a lot more information to project workers and stakeholders. Some of this information could be useful but other parts may be just superfluous (多余的).

This situation could result in information overload, which could cause individuals to get diverted from the real project work. It might also encourage a tendency for project staff to become unable to differentiate between urgent or important, and non-urgent or unimportant information. This could in turn diminish the utility of information. People involved in a project may start to unsystematically ignore information arriving through social media or at best show lack of attention because there is just too much information flying around.

Potential lack of control on rightful access, receipt, and sharing of information

Social media tends to allow everyone to be an owner and a creator of information. This could have unintended consequences for project work if it continues unchecked. Social media based communication could potentially result in a lack of control over rightful access, receipt and sharing of information. It might result in panic, triggering of new issues, or transformation of identified risks into serious issues. This could result in disruption to work and an unhealthy environment.



1、 青少年社交媒体和个人隐私管理 摘 要:随着媒介技术的发展,社交媒体已成为青少年不可缺少的交流工具,然而青少年的个人隐私泄露严重,隐私的管理也成为人们关注的重要话题。本研究以美。

2、 大数据挖掘在工程项目管理中运月 近年来,传统的工程项目管理模式已经无法满足新形势下工程项目管理模式的需求,探索工程项目管理新模式具有十分重要的现实意义。本文基于大数据挖掘技术,。

3、 收尾项目管理 摘 要:在国家加大宏观调控力度、资金全面紧缩的大环境下,施工企业的生存和发展经受着严峻考验。如果在工程项目完工后,应收账款由于各种原因长期无法收。

4、 项目管理在科研事业单位成本费用管理中应用分析 摘要:立足于实践工作,从三个方面对科研事业单位项目的管理特征进行简要分析。与此同时,从成本核算意识、成本核算制度、成本管理流程等三个方面,对科研。

5、 额度控制在高校项目管理中应用 摘 要:高校按照《高等学校会计制度》的核算要求,需进一步加强预算编制的科学化、精细化,严禁超预算或者无预算安排支出,而天财软件中的“项目额度控制。

6、 奥巴马社交媒体是把双刃剑 1月12日,美国前总统奥巴马参加了卸任后的脱口秀首秀,在主持人大卫·莱特曼主持的《我的下位来宾鼎鼎大名》上畅谈对社交媒体的态度。“2008年美国。