
关于fromParadisetoHell论文范文 NepalEarthquake,fromParadisetoHell相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:fromParadisetoHell论文 更新时间:2024-04-20


Under a yellow moon that hung in the sky, Ole Andersen was camped at 3 a.m. Mondayout front of Katmandu"s Tribhuvan International Airport with a green notebook, writing a story hecalled From Paradise to Hell in a Few Seconds.

When Saturday"s magnitude 8.1 earthquake wracked Nepal, the 66-year-old Danishadventurer, who had come to this Himalayan country to photograph insects, was staying at anorganic farm outside the capital.

"Suddenly", he said, "there was a big sound from deep underground, and everything beganto shake."

Bricks came tumbling down in his room on the second floor, blocking the stairwell.

Andersen grabbed his backpack with his computer and climbed out the window, shimmyingdown to safety on a bamboo ladder.

"lf I had a stomach," said Andersen, "I couldn"t have gotten out. Now I just want to go hometo my family."

Alongside Andersen seemed to be half the globe: Polish trekkers, Canadian vacationers,Indian migrant workers desperate to go home and Nepalese migrant workers desperate to gethome.

There were men in monk"s robes and business suits, women in hiking gear and Indiansaris(印度女装). There were also scores of locals whose homes had been damaged or destroyedin the massive earthquake that killed more than 3,700 people.

They slept on pieces of cardboard and on luggage carts. Babies snuggled up(依偎) againstmothers; fathers coughed on cigarettes in the dead of night, their smoke momentarily blotting outthe smell of people.

"We are afraid to go home, so we are sleeping here," said Sanvee Ghimire as her 4-year-olddaughter, Sabu, rested her weary head on her mother"s lap. "Our house has many cracks, andearthquakes are not stopping."

The runway was as busy as the passenger terminal. Soldiers in green uniforms ran to unloadsupplies from a giant gray Indian air force C-17 Globemaster as the new traffic rolled in: a SriLankan military plane, a private jet, passenger planes from China, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and India.

The plane traffic became so backed up that numerous flights were turned away Sunday andforced to return later.

文章来源: www.latimes.com

1. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 7 mean?


2.True or false.

( ) Ole Andersen is a fat Danish adventurer who went to Nepal for photography.

( ) The Tribhuvan International Airport is vital to send supplies to the victims in theearthquake.



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