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关于矿质元素论文范文 烟秆有机肥对烤烟根系发育和矿质元素含量影响相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:矿质元素论文 更新时间:2024-03-19


摘 要:为探索烟秆有机肥(发酵烟秆+芝麻饼肥+腐植酸)对烤烟根系发育、烟叶矿质营养和烟叶质量的影响,采用盆栽试验设置不同用量烟秆有机肥处理,研究其对烤烟根系发育和矿质元素的影响.结果表明,施用烟秆有机肥对烤烟根系生物量和生理活性提高作用较大,在旺长期和圆顶期促进作用最明显,表现为根体积增长率、根干重增长率、根系活力及根系吸收面积在此时期出现高峰,以添加500 g/盆的处理效果最好,其根体积、根干重、根系活力和根系总吸收面积于移栽后75 d分别比对照提高了60.77%、114.76%、53.12%和148.36%;烟秆有机肥配施促进烤烟对矿质元素的吸收,特别是对磷、锌、铁、锰含量提高效应较显著.综合考虑,添加烟秆有机肥500 g/盆的处理最佳,为培育烟株健壮根系,均衡烤烟矿质营养及烟秆的还田应用提供参考.


中图分类号:S572.06 文章编号:1007-5119(2016)06-0021-06 DOI:10.13496/j.issn.1007-5119.2016.06.004

Effects of Combined Tobacco Stem Organic Fertilizer on Root Development and Mineral Element Contents of Flue-cured Tobacco

LI Yanping1, REN Tianbao1, LI Jianhua2, WU Jianan1, REN Weiwei1, HUANG Mengdi1, LIU Guoshun1*

(1. Henan Agricultural University, National Tobacco Cultivation and Physiological and Biochemical Center, Zhengzhou 450002, China; 2. Xuchang Tobacco Company of Henan Province, Xuchang, Henan 461000, China)

Abstract: To explore the effects of a tobacco stem organic fertilizer combined with other organic fertilizers on tobacco root system, mineral nutrients and tobacco leaf quality, a pot experiment was conducted with different amount of tobacco stems mixed with organic fertilizers. The tobacco stem mixed organic fertilizers used were tobacco stem organic fertilizer, sesame cake and humic acids. The results showed that tobacco the stem organic fertilizer combined with organic fertilizers could significantly promote the root biomass and root physiological activities, especially at the vigorously growing stage and the toping stage. The volume growing rate, dry weight growing rate, root activity and root active absorb area all appeared peak during this stage. At later stages of development tobacco stems combined with organic fertilizers could slow down the senescence of root system. The 500 g/pot treatment had the best effect with its root volume, root dry weight, root vigor and root absorb total area increased by 60.77%, 114.76%, 53.12% and 148.36% compared with control, respectively. The study also revealed that tobacco stems combined with organic fertilizers played a positive role in promoting mineral contents of flue-cured tobacco. Tobacco stems combined with organic fertilizers enhanced absorption of mineral elements, especially P, Zn, Fe, and Mn. Application of tobacco stems mixed organic fertilizers with 500 g/pot was therefore the optimum treatment. This provides theory gist for cultivating strong tobacco root system, balancing the mineral nutrients of flue-cured tobacco and for the decomposition application of tobacco stem organic fertilizers.



1、 硅对番茄果实发育与硅吸收特性的影响 摘要:为探讨硅对番茄的生理效应,本试验采用水培方式,研究了营养液硅水平对番茄果实发育及硅吸收分配规律的影响。结果表明,与对照(CK)相比,随营养。

2、 不同栽培方式对白肋烟烟碱转化率TSNA含量影响 摘要:为探索不同栽培方式对白肋烟烟碱转化率及烟草特有亚硝胺(TSNA)含量的影响,采取裂区试验,以不同烟碱转化率类型的品系为主处理,不同种植规格。

3、 烟秆生物质炭对烟草根际土壤养分细菌群落影响 摘要:通過田间小区试验研究了不同生物质炭用量对植烟土壤养分、微生物多样性和菌群丰度的影响。结果表明,梯度施入烟秆生物质炭提升了酸性土壤pH,促进。

4、 沃益多微生物菌肥对烤烟生长发育和抗病性影响 摘要:为了解沃益多(HYT)微生物菌肥对烤烟生长发育、产质量和抗病性的影响,通过一系列的田间试验进行了研究。结果表明,HYT能显著改善烟株农艺性。

5、 不同养分缺乏对烤烟根系形态营养生长影响 摘要:为了弄清矿质元素缺乏对烟苗生长的影响,以K326和湘烟四号两个烤烟品种幼苗为材料,在氮、磷、钾、钙、镁、硫、铁缺乏条件下观察烟株的缺素症状。

6、 聚丙烯酸盐类改良剂对土壤理化性状烤烟根系生长影响 摘 要:为探讨聚丙烯酸盐类土壤改良剂单施和复配作用下的土壤理化性状及烤烟根系生长变化,采用大田试验研究了土壤改良剂对植烟土壤肥力、含水量、容重及。