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关于鹅肉论文范文 日龄对鹅肉营养和风味品质影响相关论文写作参考文献

分类:本科论文 原创主题:鹅肉论文 更新时间:2024-04-05


摘 要:对比分析不同日龄的嫩鹅(70 日)和老鹅(300 日)鹅肉营养组成和风味品质间的差异,对鹅肉的基本成分组成、脂肪酸组成、游离氨基酸组成、挥发性香气成分和质构特性进行检测.结果表明:嫩鹅肌肉中水分和脂肪含量显著高于老鹅(P<0.05);在嫩鹅与老鹅肉样中确定出14 种脂肪酸成分且在种类上无差异,两者饱和脂肪酸相对含量相近,嫩鹅中单不饱和脂肪酸含量低于老鹅,但多不饱和脂肪酸和必需脂肪酸相对含量较高,2 种鹅肉中多不饱和脂肪酸与饱和脂肪酸比值均高于一般膳食要求,且嫩鹅要高于老鹅;嫩鹅和老鹅鹅肉中均检出15 种游离氨基酸,老鹅鹅肉中的必需氨基酸含量要高于嫩鹅.在氨基酸风味对比上嫩鹅相比于老鹅具有更高比例的甜味氨基酸和更低比例的苦味氨基酸;嫩鹅与老鹅鹅肉中挥发性成分种类差别较小,但各种风味物质相对含量相差很大,其中老鹅鹅肉中醇类、萜烯类化合物相对含量相对于嫩鹅有所下降,酯类化合物相对含量有所上升;在质构特性上,嫩鹅与老鹅鹅肉间的硬度、弹性、内聚性和咀嚼性均存在显著性差异(P<0.05),且老鹅鹅肉的硬度、内聚性、咀嚼性高于嫩鹅,弹性要低于嫩鹅,而嫩鹅与老鹅间黏附性无显著性差异(P>0.05).


Effects of Age on the Nutritional and Flavor Quality of Goose Meat

HUANG Ke, QIN Chunqing, REN Ting, LIU Jinzhi, LI Benjiao, LIU Xiong*

(College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)

Abstract: This study was designed to analyze the differences in the nutritional composition and flavor of meat from young geese (70 days of age) and old geese (300 days of age). With this aim, we tested the proximate composition, fatty acid composition, free amino acid composition, volatile aroma composition and texture profile analysis of goose meat. The results showed that moisture and fat contents in the muscle of young geese were significantly higher than in the muscle of old geese (P < 0.05). A total of 14 fatty acids in the meat of young and old geese were identified and they were found to be present in both meat samples. In addition, despite having similar saturated fatty acid contents, the meat of young geese contained less monounsaturated fatty acids and more polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as more essential fatty acids than did the meat of old geese. The two samples possessed a ratio of polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acids higher than the general dietary requirement, with young goose meat exceeding its old counterpart. A total of 15 amino acids were detected in both samples, with essential amino acids being more abundant in old goose meat than in young goose meat. Comparison of the composition of taste-active amino acids indicated that young goose meat had a higher proportion of sweet amino acids and a lower proportion of bitter amino acids than did old goose meat. Moreover, both contained similar types of volatile compounds, while there was a large difference in the relative contents of these compounds, that is, the relative contents of alcohols and terpenes in old goose meat decreased but esters increased compared with those in young goose meat. Significant differences in some texture properties including hardness, springiness, cohesiveness and chewiness were perceived (P < 0.05). The hardness, cohesiveness and chewiness of old goose meat were higher than those of young goose meat, whereas springiness of old goose meat was lower and no significant difference was noted in adhesiveness between the two samples (P > 0.05).



1、 植物营养剂对番茄产量和品质影响分析 摘 要:本文在运用相应材料的基础上,对植物营养剂对番茄产量和品质的影响进行深入分析,在此基础上,希望能为农业人员提供一些借鉴性建议,以促进番茄产。

2、 冷冻肉营养价值不如鲜肉 流言:市场上我们经常可以看到鲜肉、冷鲜肉、冷冻肉三种肉食,且价格相差悬殊。一般人认为,肉肯定是新鲜的好,因此,宁愿选择高价的鲜肉。那么,这三种。

3、 施氮量对木薯氮素营养特性产量形成影响 摘 要 采用大田试验,研究了不同施氮水平下木薯氮素营养特性的变化及其对产量形成的影响。试验设置0、120、240、360 kg hm2 4个氮水。

4、 不同栽培措施对青贮玉米产量和营养品质影响 摘要 采用随机区组设计和“3414”最优回归设计,研究青贮玉米不同种植密度、收获期和施肥水平对产量和营养品质的影响。结果表明:不同种植密度、收获。

5、 牛骨酶解物对制备牛肉香精中挥发性风味成分影响 摘 要:以牛肉香精为研究对象,从挥发性风味物质组成和电子鼻分析角度研究不同牛骨酶解物添加量对其风味品质的影响。结果表明:不同牛骨酶解物添加量使牛。

6、 食盐用量对风干猪肉挥发性风味物质影响 摘 要:以不同食盐用量(分别为原料肉质量的2%、3%、4%和5%)腌制的风干猪肉为研究对象,采用吹扫 捕集-热脱附-气质联用法分析肌肉中挥发性风。