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关于城市交通论文范文 拉美国家城市交通在城市骑车吧!相关论文写作参考文献

分类:本科论文 原创主题:城市交通论文 更新时间:2024-03-02


Those Latin Americans who can afford one are just as wedded to the car as their counterparts north of the Rio Grande. And thanks to the region’s long boom, more and more have bought vehicles. That is leading both to terrible traffic jams in many of the region’s cities—and to the swift spread of efforts to promote urban cycling.

拉丁美洲人和和他们对等的Rio Grande人一样,都爱车如命.而多亏该地区经济的持续增长,越来越多的人拥有汽车.这导致了该地区许多城市都有严重的交通堵塞问题——进而人们开始广泛提倡在城市以自行车代步.

Following in the tyre-tracks of Bogotá and Mexico City, the regional pioneers, the latest capital to boost the bike is Buenos Aires. Recently, while sitting on one of the city’s bright-yellow public bicycles, the mayor, Mauricio Macri, announced the completion of the 100th kilometer of protected bike lanes. Launched barely two years ago, the city’s Mejor en Bici (Better by Bike) scheme has also involved interest-free loans to promote cycle-buying, as well as 1,000 free public bikes at 28 stations and the lanes.

继波哥大和墨西哥城带头之后,最近的自行车推行活动的首都是布宜诺斯艾利斯.最近,骑在亮 的城市公共自行车上的市长Mauricio Macri宣布第100千米的自行车专用车道完工.两年前推出的“骑车更好”计划还包括无利率贷款以促进自行车购买以及分放在28个站点的1,000辆免费公共自行车和自行车道.

At first this was unpopular, especially among car drivers. “Bikes were seen solely as tools for exercise and recreation, and people thought we were completely mad to encourage them as a means of commuting,” says Guillermo Dietrich, the official in charge of the scheme.

一开始这一活动几乎无人问津,开车的人尤其没有兴趣.“自行车一向被当作健身和娱乐的工具,人们认为我们鼓励把自行车当作交通工具简直就是疯了.”负责项目的官员Guillermo Dietrich如是说.

Public opinion now seems to be warming to the idea, partly because cycling is a quicker way to get about Argentina’s capital, or at least its inner core, which Mr Macri governs. La Nación, a newspaper, found that a 7km journey to or from the city center at rush hour took nearly twice as long by bus or car as by bike. Mr Dietrich has allayed fears about safety by erecting barriers between most cycle lanes and the traffic.

公众现在开始渐渐接受这个想法,一部分原因是在阿根廷的首都骑车去哪儿都更快,或者至少在Macri领导的中心城区是这样的.当地报纸La Nación报道,从市中心出发或者到市中心的7000米在高峰时段骑车比乘公交车或者开车要快几乎两倍. Dietrich先生通过在绝大多数自行车道和机动车道之间建立隔离栏杆已让人们减少对骑车安全的担心.

Cyclists are still a tiny minority of commuters, accounting for just 2% of journeys, but that proportion has quintupled since the scheme began. This year the city plans to add 30km of cycle lanes, to double the number of public bikes and add another 72 docking stations. In relation to its size, Buenos Aires will by then have the densest cycling infrastructure in the region. Even less excuse for porte?os, as the city’s residents are called, not to get on their bikes.




1、 超高压线下城市轨道交通现浇梁施工工艺 【摘 要】现浇桥梁在城市轨道交通建设工程中的应用已越来越广泛,但桥梁周围时常会遇到超高压线路障碍,且不能按照常规工艺施工,无疑增加了施工难度及安。

2、 城市轨道交通工程投融资建设管理 城市轨道交通对国家发展具有十分重要的影响,同时,城市轨道交通工程应具有良好的投融资方式及建设管理模式,才能保障交通工程的可持续性发展,如果交通建。

3、 解决城市道路交通拥堵问题方法 摘要:我国社会与经济的发展与道路交通息息相关。当前,不断扩大的城市规模,在一定程度上也促进了经济的快速发展,人口数量呈逐年上升趋势。再加上快速增。

4、 城市轨道交通企业人力资源管理中人工成本管理 摘要:企业人工成本的控制与管理是企业人力资源管理的重要任务之一。本文以地铁企业为例,综合分析其薪酬福利及人力资源管理等方面存在的问题。以现代化的。

5、 互联网背景下中国和拉美国家经贸合作实用主义分析 摘要:近年来,拉美国家经济日渐发展,中国与拉美国家经贸合作成为中国对外交往的重要分支。中国电子商务的崛起以及“一带一路”倡议的出台,为国际间经贸。

6、 城市轨道交通人才培养存在问题 本文简单分析了城市轨道交通人才培养存在的问题,针对城市轨道交通人才培养策略展开了深入的研究分析,结合本次研究,发表了一些自己的建议看法,希望可以。