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关于综合检测题论文范文 综合检测题(一)相关论文写作参考文献

分类:专科论文 原创主题:综合检测题论文 更新时间:2024-02-23



第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


1. — Is there ___ interesting on TV tonight?

— I’m afraid not.

A. nothingB. something

C. anythingD. everything

2. — ___ do you write to your pen friend?

— Once a week.

A. How farB. How soon

C. How longD. How often

3. The Chinese farmers are getting ___ .

A. richer and richerB. rich and rich

C. more and more richD. rich and richer

4. — What’s ___ radio station in the city?

— Easy Listening 97.7 FM.

A. bestB. the best

C. betterD. the better

5. I ___ my homework at this time of yesterday.

A. started doB. start do

C. started to doD. start to do

6. I he a toothache, so I ___ to see a dentist.

A. mayB. need

C. shouldD. must

7. They ___ meet their friends next Saturday.

A. are going toB. would go to

C. went toD. he gone to

8. — ___ boys are there in your class?

— Twenty-four.

A. How muchB. How hey

C. How longD. How many

9. Don’t play ___ fire. It’s very dangerous.

A. toB. with

C. forD. on

10. I’m not sure if it ___ tomorrow.

A. will rainB. is rainning

C. rainsD. rain

11. Don’t cross the road now. You ___ wait for the green lights.

A. has toB. should

C. canD. may

12. There is ___ with your computer.

A. anything wrongB. wrong everything

C. nothing wrongD. wrong something

13. Could you please ___ your bed?

A. makingB. to make

C. madeD. make

14. Maybe I won’t come back ___ eight o’clock. Don’t wait for me.

A. atB. on

C. untilD. after

15. — ___ ?

— Nothing. I only want to sleep for a while.

A. What’s upB. Are you OK

C. What’s matterD. How are you

第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



Many people think the more time is spent, the more work will be done. So students he to spend the whole

16 doing school work except the three meals.

Modern students he many interests. A two-day holiday can get them away from too much school work, and they can do 17 they like. But teachers do not think in that way. Because students he too much homework, and there is not enough time to finish the homework 18 , the poor weekend homework usually makes teachers angry.



1、 2018年高考文科综合能力测试题(二) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共140分)本卷共35个小题,每小题4分,共140分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。下面甲图中的铁路线是。

2、 高考英语作文预测题(一) 1 假如你是李华,请按如下提示给外教Peter写一封信,告诉他市电视台即将举办“外国人学唱中文歌曲”大赛的情况,并邀请他积极参加。(1)参赛要。

3、 2018高考模拟作文题(一) 【文题一】阅读下面的文字,根据要求作文。高山巍峨,可以绵延到天边;大地宽广,可以与天相连。海处低处,为什么也能水天相接,与天等高呢?以上这。

4、 小小说三题(小小说) 王一直向东王一直向东走着。太阳西坠时他盯着自己的影子,迈动着疲惫的步子;在太阳升起时他也会回过头看着自己的影子,再继续前行。他是个自封的,贫穷。

5、 电建三题(组诗) 水我是你爱过的一江春水我是长江,黄河是唐古拉山出走的澜沧江与怒江我奔走的雪域和荒原九曲回肠你爱我的盛世江山也请爱我的荒芜与苍茫吧。

6、 微小二题(1) 押 解嫌犯葛文被列为网逃不到一个月,即被山东警方抓获,真可谓法网恢恢疏而不漏。裴所长得到消息已经是深夜,兴奋得一夜没合眼。这个案子耗费裴所长大。