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关于路易斯论文范文 爵士音乐家:路易斯·阿姆斯特朗相关论文写作参考文献

分类:专科论文 原创主题:路易斯论文 更新时间:2024-04-02


Like most of the great innovators in jazz, Louis Armstrong is a all man. But the extent of his influence across jazz, across American music and around the world has continuing stature. His life was the embodiment of one who moves from poor to rich, from anonymity to internationally imitated innovator. Louis Daniel Armstrong supplied revolutionary language that took on such pervasiveness that it became commonplace, like the light bulb, the airplane, the telephone.

Armstrong was born in New Orleans on Aug. 4, 1901. He grew up at the bottom, trying to bring something home to eat, sometimes searching garbage cans for food that might still be suitable for supper. The spirit of Armstrong’s world, however, was not dominated by the deprivation of poverty and the dangers of wild living. As a child, he was either dancing for pennies or singing for his supper with a strolling quartet of other kids who wandered New Orleans freshening up the subtropical evening with some sweetly harmonized notes. But he had his dreams. In 1915, he got first cornet and was soon known around New Orleans as formidable.

The places he played and the people he knew were sweet and innocent at one end of the spectrum and rough at the other. Out of those experiences, everything from pomp to humor to grief to majesty to the profoundly gruesome and monumentally spiritual worked its way into his tone. He became a beacon of American feeling music.

In 1922 he went to Chicago and joined his mentor Joe Oliver, and the revolution took place in full form. His improvisations set the city on its head. The stiff rhythms of the time were slashed away by his combination of the percussive and the soaring. His combination of virtuosity, strength and passion was unprecedented. No one in Western music has ever set the innovative pace on an instrument, then stood up to sing and converted the vocalists. Armstrong performed the world constantly. In 1932 he visited Europe and played for King of England. In 1956 he was hailed by crowds during African tour. In 1964 his recording of Hello, Dolly. hit No. 1. Armstrong died on July 6, 1971 in New York City. But he will always remain as one of the greatest artists who make the world a happy place.







1、 刘易斯·布什:欧洲的记忆和欧洲的未来 1986年,英国摄影家保罗·格雷厄姆(Paul Graham)开始欧洲大陆之旅,经过四年观察和拍摄,于1990年完成《新欧洲》(New Euro。

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5、 登月第一人阿姆斯特朗 1969年7月20日,美国前宇航员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗和另一位宇航员巴兹·奥尔德林,乘坐阿波罗11号宇宙飞船登月舱在月球着陆。他们在月球上度过了21。

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