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关于读万卷书论文范文 读万卷书,行万里路相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:读万卷书论文 更新时间:2024-03-10


If I were to compile1 a list of the 10 most utilized words in higher education, one of them would certainly be: globalization. I’m not sure whether people have just become cognizant of modern globalization or I’ve simply happened to notice it more, but globalization is a recurring theme in many of my academic discussions between professors and peers.2 Not surprisingly, then, studying abroad in foreign locations is highly encouraged among many higher education institutions. The pursuit of knowledge is not simply a local endeavor3; the pursuit must be an adventure. Learning and experiencing a different culture while simultaneously continuing studies is an extremely enriching experience that many Americans strive to accomplish through study abroad.4 Popular destinations at my university include many European and Asian countries, namely China, Spain, France, and Germany. American students are scattered5 all across the globe.

Many of my friends who have partaken in study abroad have cherished their experience, a majority of them always concluding their recollection of their experience with an enthusiastic, “I want to go back!”6 For example, one peer of mine spent a semester7 in Singapore. He stayed with other exchange students and travelled to surrounding Southeast Asian countries. One of his favorite destinations was Vietnam, where he stayed in an isolated hut in the mountains, miles away from civilization and free to introspectively dwell on whatever crossed his mind.8 Another friend visited Ireland, and wishes to go back as soon as she graduates. But who says study abroad must always be on land? One of the more exciting study abroad programs that two of my friends experienced was on a ship. They, along with other students from schools across the country, took classes on the ship and disembarked9 in various locations around the world to apply their knowledge and learn the culture. Their destinations included Greece, South Africa, Morocco10, Germany, Japan, and more. They spent about a week in each country, for a total of about 16 weeks. They built everlasting friendships and accumulated a plethora of global experiences.11

Though the success rate of study abroad is an extremely high number, there are also some instances of students not enjoying their study abroad experience. One peer particularly did not like studying abroad in Australia, claiming that the university’s location and environment did not meet expectations.

I knew I wanted to study abroad as soon as I started thinking about where to go for college. A couple of weeks ago, I finally confirmed my study abroad plans. Next semester, I will be travelling to Amsterdam12 for a total of six months to continue my studies. Although I am extremely excited, I am mostly relieved that the process of finalizing my destination has come to a close, as it was long and arduous.13



1、 万里路 虽然看动物在野外悠闲地生活很有趣,但不管是动物还是人,都逃不开“物竞天择,适者生存”的自然法则。当你看到成千上万的野生动物万里迁徙的时候,你就会。

2、 袁江磊:万里走单骑,为圆公益梦 2018年3月23日,在贝宁中国文化中心多功能厅里,以“美好生活”为主题的文化交流会正在举行,一位90后与200余名大学生以及贝宁当地文化人士分。

3、 名师二三书,带上学术路 上学期,我曾在北大图书馆借过书,偶然看到走廊处有巨大的展板,展出北大文史哲等名家为所上的通识课程开的阅读书目。这十二名教授每人推荐2~4本。

4、 万里路一本书 古人云,“行万里路,读万卷书”。而此次从北京到华盛顿、再从华盛顿至旧金山返京,行程两万多公里,我手中始终捧读的却只有一本书:《清代野史——个王朝。

5、 再树标杆生态文明万里行第四站走进湖北嘉麟杰 “十三五”时期是我国建成纺织强国的冲刺阶段,为贯彻落实《绿色制造工程实施指南(2016~2020年)》、《纺织工业发展规划(2016~2020年。

6、 要吃米,找万里 2016年,是万里同志诞辰100周年。万里于1916年12月出身在山东省东平县一个贫民家庭,是中国共产党的优秀党员,久经考验的忠诚的共产主义战。