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分类:职称论文 原创主题:负债论文 更新时间:2024-01-23


Janessa Robinson will soon join the "megaloan club" of college graduates with over$50,000 in student debt.

The 24-year-old didn"t intend to join thoseranks, but her bachelors" degree from TulaneUniversity left her nearly that much in debt, andshe plans to start graduate school soon.

"The price of education is surprising," shesaid.

Almost 19% of student loan borrowersowe more than $50,000, according to a reportpublished last week by the Federal Reserve.Only 6% of borrowers had that much in 2001.Student loan debt now outstrips credit card andauto loan debt in America.

Robinson is one of many young collegegraduates financially stretched to cover bothliving costs and student loan payments. Shepays $275 a month toward her current loanswhile working an entry-level job at a non-profitin Washington D.C,

Her next step is a graduate degree inpublic policy. It will mean taking out additional$43,OOO-the same amount as her currentannual income. She"s considering going onforbearance-a time period where borrowersdon"t have to make payments but intereston the loan accumulates-while she attendsgraduate school.

Despite the high costs, she still thinks hereducation is worth it. The statistics supporther belief. People with college degrees havehigher lifetime earnings, better employmentopportunities and significantly lower povertylevels.

"My degree has put me in a position whereI can get an entry-level job," Robinson said.

Only workers with Bachelor"s degrees sawtheir incomes rise between 2010 and 2013.Everyone else saw a decline, according to theFederal Reserve.

"We"re in this odd status quo where we"requestioning the value of a college degree,particularly in light of student debt," saidAndrew Kelly, director of the Center on HigherEducation Reform at the American EnterpriseInstitute.

"Some form of post-secondary educationis more important than ever before becauseother groups are worse off," he added.

Jackson, 29, had no financial supportfrom his family, which he says is poor, to payfor college. He took out $88,000 in loans topay for his two degrees. He cannot afford loanpayments on his salary, and his job does notrequire his degrees.

Despite his troubles, Jackson has noregrets about his education or loans. He"sthe first person in his family to earn a collegedegree.

"It"s something I"m really proud of myselffor doing," said Jackson, who hopes to finda state or federal government job. "I woulddefinitely say the investment is worth it. Ifthe opportunity presents itself, go after yourdreams."



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