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关于三步走论文范文 了解命题者视角,三步走攻破完形填空相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:三步走论文 更新时间:2024-04-06


编者按:从2016年第1期开始,英语科目将注重于题型专项提升,聚焦题型难点和易错点,帮 生弥补知识漏洞.





Todd was working at his gas station at night when he heard over the radio that a 1____ in Long Island had been 2____ by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with $ 150,000.“One hundred and fifty thousand,” Todd whistled. Here"s a fellow who just 3____ into a bank and helps himself 4____ so much money. Todd thought of the 5____ with which he managed to get the amount of money he 6____ to start his gas station. So many papers to 7____ , so much money to pay back. The news 8____ twenty minutes later. The gunman had 9____ a car for a ride, and then 10____ out the driver. He was possibly 11 ____the Southern State Parkway in a white Ford. License plate(车牌)number LJR1939. The 12____ of the announcer continued:“13 ____ out for white cars. Don"t pick up 14____, and all you folks in gas stations better not do 15____ to a white Ford car.” Todd stood up and 16____to see out into the cold night. It was dark but Todd 17____ the Southern State Parkway was out there. Just 18____ , Todd saw the headlights coming at him and a car pulled in for 19____ . There it was, a white Ford. He saw the 20____ , LJR1939. “What should I do?”Todd had to make a quick 21___ .“Yes, sir?”Todd 22____ while making up his mind for sure.

“23____ her up,”the man said sounding like any other 24____ . When the tank(油箱)was full, Todd quickly turned round and pointed a gun at the man.“Hands up 25____ get out!”

1. A. storeB. bankC. stationD. house

2. A. searched for B. held up C. taken over D. broken into

3. A. walksB. looksC. marchesD. drives

4. A.forB. byC. toD. of

5. A. satisfaction B. difficulty C. disappointment D. spirit

6. A. savedB. madeC. offeredD. needed

7. A. collectB. proveC. signD. write

8. A. continuedB. lastedC. spreadD. arrived

9. A. boughtB. borrowedC. stolenD. stopped

10. A. sentB. foundC. leftD. pushed



1、 完形填空,可这样训练 完形填空主要考查学生短文阅读理解的能力,学生需要聚精会神阅读全文,从字里行间寻找一切线索,去理清句子之间、段落之间的关系,掌握全文的中心大意,然。

2、 名师一招制胜,攻破完形填空语法填空短文改错 在第一遍快速浏览、大致把握了全文的大意和作者的写作意图之后,考生就进入精读环节。在这一环节中,考生要遵循“边读边填、先易后难”的做题顺序。一、。

3、 约定和守信,我家三步走 教育孩子,始终是一个值得探讨的课题。在女儿成长的道路上,我们尝试着用约定与守信的方法引导女儿,女儿也一直在我们的合理期许中稳步前进。第一步:幼时。

4、 中国企业投资美国,—定得走美国主流路线! 美国人喜欢什么样的中美合作模式?11月美国科技界的一个值得关注的新闻是腾讯对snap的战略投资。2017年对美国的新创公司来说是一个艰难的年份。

5、 确定性增强,五月股指走强可期 进入五月份,大盘股指出现了可喜的走势,大阳线小阴线,而且阳线的成交量大于阴线的成交量,一扫四月份股指节节败退的阴霾。反弹能否继续?个人比较乐。

6、 黑天鹅飞走,灰犀牛走来 2017年,那些经济上棘手的问题几乎没有一件得到解决。但在这一年人类显示出了相对理性的那一面,市场在迅速自愈,全球主要经济体都出现相对复苏的迹象。