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关于农艺性状论文范文 播期对济谷16农艺性状、产量品质影响相关论文写作参考文献

分类:硕士论文 原创主题:农艺性状论文 更新时间:2024-01-26


摘 要:以抗拿捕凈除草剂谷子新品种济谷16为试验材料,于2015年4月29日至7月8日,每10 d播种1次,共设置8个播期处理,按播期顺序种植,种植密度60万株/hm2.在五叶期,每小区选120株生长均匀一致的谷子进行标记,成熟期测定其株高、叶片数、干物质积累等农艺性状,按小区统计总产量,室内考察穗长、穗粗、千粒重等产量相关性状,并用近红外光谱测定法测定品质.结果表明:播期对济谷16的农艺性状、产量性状、品质性状的影响达显著水平.随着播期的推迟,生育期由109 d缩短为86 d,主要由出苗至抽穗阶段持续天数的变化引起,株高、叶片数、穗长、穗粗等均表现为先升高后降低;穗重、穗粒重、千粒重、总产量等也表现为先升高后降低;通过曲线模型拟合获得的济谷16播期和产量关系的二次曲线函数方程为Y等于 324.00+52.34X-6.947X2;脂肪、碳水化合物含量先升高后降低,蛋白质、总氨基酸含量先降低后升高,其中氨基酸含量的变异系数最大为7.83%.本试验条件下,济谷16的最佳播期是5月27日至5月29日.


中图分类号:S515.01 文献标识号:A 文章编号:1001-4942(2017)04-0021-05

Effects of Sowing Date on Agronomic Characters, Yield

and Quality of Foxtail Millet Variety Jigu 16

Cong Xinjun1, Li Guoyu1, Yu Shuting3, Shen Qun4, Zou Renfeng1, Li Ni1, Yan Limei1, Guan Yan’an2

(1. Taian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Taian 271000, China;

2.Crop Research Institute, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Jinan 250100, China;

3.Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, China;4.China Agricultural University,Beijing 100083,China)

Abstract Foxtail millet variety Jigu 16 with sethoxydim resistance was used as material. Eight sowing dates were set during April 29 and July 8, 2015 at the interval of 10 days. The plant density was set as 600 thousand plants per hectare. At five-leaf stage, 120 uniform seedlings were tagged in each plot for sampling. Thereafter, the agronomic characters, yield and yield-related traits were measured in mature period, and the quality traits were determined by using near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). The results showed that there were significant differences in agronomic characters, yield traits and quality traits of Jigu 16 under different sowing dates. With the sowing date delayed, the growth period was shortened from 109 days to 86 days, which was predominantly caused by the lasting time from emergence to heading stage. The plant height, leaf number, ear length and ear diameter increased firstly and then decreased with the delay of sowing date. The spike weight, grain weight per spike, thousand seed weight and yield also increased firstly and then decreased.The predicted equation Y等于324.00+52.34X-6.947X2 was the optimal model fitting for the relationship between sowing date and yield of Jigu 16. The content of fat and carbohydrate increased firstly and then decreased, while the protein and total amino acid showed opposite trend.The variation coefficient of amino acid content was the largest as 7.83%. In conclusion, the suitable sowing date for Jigu 16 was from May 27 to May 29 under this experiment conditions.



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