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分类:硕士论文 原创主题:全球宜居国度论文 更新时间:2024-03-18


One of the greatest desires of people is for them to be able to feel contentment in their lives, fulfillment in their dreams, and joy in their families. Peace is what drives man to put himself in a state of sacrifice to attain his ultimate goal, which is to experience a life of perfection, where there is no hate, no strife, and no chaos. Here we introduce some peaceful countries in the world for you and see what it’s like to live in such a place.




Switzerland is one of the countries in the world that uses “honesty shops” in order to provide people the chance to exchange goods with money even without the assistance of cashier or store clerks. It is also the same country where you could actually leave your door wide open and not expecting that anyone would pilfer your stuff or take opportunity of the occasion.




Famous in history as being the “cradle of the civilization of music”, Austria gives a perfect sense of what it is like to live in harmony with the society and the government. There are rarely events of chaos in the country, which is why their police force is kept to a tolerable few. Even though there has been news that the numbers have increased, the figures are still taken to be the smallest in the world. Even the society does not feel troubled as safety and security is not too stiff, knowing that crime rates are noted to be one of the lowest everywhere.

作为历史上著名的“音乐文明摇篮”,奥地利给出了什么是和谐社会,和谐政府的景象.因为这个国家几乎没有 事件,需要的警力也就维持得相当少.尽管有报道该国警员增多了,但其数量仍然位于全球之末.社会并未对如此不牢固的安全保护感到担忧,因为他们知道这里每一处的犯罪率都极低.



Although Ireland is a peaceful place in general, in fact, there have been protests and discord at the turn of the new leadership, where both economical and political spheres have been compromised. However, as the new government welcomed change together with its subjects, political unrest has ceased and everyone joined together, hoping for improvement and change for the better. Demonstrations have decreased, violence was kept down, and the trust of the people with each other has strengthened.

一般来说,爱尔兰是个宁静的地方,其实,在领导换届时,它的经济和政治局面在 和冲突中显露无遗.但是,新政府鼓动全民一齐革新,政治 便有所消停,全国同歌,致力将未来打造得更加美好.游行少了,暴力活动消停了,人和人之间的信任也加强了.



Canada has more members of the police force than Ireland, specifically 203 police officers in every 100,000 people, something that is quite high in number. Despite the said figures, they do not count much in relation to security and safety as strictness in implementing laws and policies are not harsh where the people are very disciplined and civilized in understanding and obeying the rules.



1、 榆林黄崖窑村构建宜居宜业宜游美丽新村 今年6月17日,“2017·大美榆阳·杏树文化旅游系列活动之油菜花节”在榆林市榆阳区黄崖窑村正式拉开帷幕,游客们观油菜花、品农家宴、赏古筝曲、享。

2、 统筹规划建设管理建设绿色宜居城市 由中华人民共和国商务部批准、住房和城乡建设部支持、中国建筑文化中心主办的第十七届中国国际城市建设博览会(以下简称“十七届城博会”)2017年10。

3、 推进智慧交通建设打造大庆宜居城市 [摘 要] 近年来随着生活水平的提高,大庆人对生活质量的需求越来越高端化,大庆人对购车的刚性需求越来越旺盛私家,车增长速度逐年增加,需求增长的同。

4、 人为本营造宜居环境北京望京公寓小区 总体布局望京公寓小区位于北京市东北方四环路之外,望京新区中心西侧。用地呈长方形,南北较长(330m)、东西较窄(198m)。方位坐北朝南略向东偏。

5、 上海青浦擦亮宜居青浦绿水名片 “隔壁小金属加工厂产生的噪音听不到了,河水变清澈了,居民又可以在河边洗洗涮涮了,江南美丽水乡有了检察机关的司法护航,更加名副其实。”近日,家住上。

6、 生态文明引领美丽宜居乡村建设 一、生态文明是指导美丽宜居乡村建设的行动纲领生态文明是继工业文明之后又一种文明形态,它与物质文明、政治文明、精神文明一起,被视为当今我国社会主。