
关于TheOldManandtheCat论文范文 TheOldManandtheCat老头和猫相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:TheOldManandtheCat论文 更新时间:2024-03-10


1. An old man loves his white cat very much and gives it the most delicious food every day. 有个老头十分喜欢他养的那只白猫,天天给它吃最好的东西.

2. One day, he sees a woman carrying a beautiful yellow cat, thinks that “If I could have a yellow cat...” 这天,老头看见一妇人抱着一只漂亮的黄猫,心里直痒痒:“要是我也有只黄猫就好了等”

3. Back home, the old man throws the white cat out of the window. 老头回到家便把白猫从窗口扔出去.

4. The white cat cries sadly at the roadside. A bird flies over and tells it a good idea. 白猫坐在路边哭得很伤心,鸟儿飞过来告诉它一个好办法.

5. The white cat finds a laundering1 and dyeing2 shop and jumps into the yellow dye vat3. “Ha ha, I’m a yellow cat, too.” 白猫找到一家洗染店,跳进黄染缸后说:“哈哈,我是一只地道的黄猫啦!”

6. “Bang, bang, bang.” The yellow cat knocks at the door. The old man opens the door and sees a yellow cat and then carries it into the house. “I have a beautiful yellow cat.” he says happily. “笃笃笃!”黄猫敲着门,老头开门一看是只黄猫,于是把它抱进屋,高兴道:“我有一只漂亮的黄猫啦!”

7. Every day the yellow cat enjoys good food and listens to the old man talk about the white cat’s shortcomings4. 黄猫每天享用着好东西,听着老头数落白猫的不足.

8. After a time, the old man looks at the yellow cat but he thinks of a beautiful red cat on the road. 没过多久,老头看着黄猫,又想着在路上见到的一只漂亮的红猫.

9. The yellow cat is thrown out of the window. It goes to the laundering and dyeing shop and rolls in the red dye vat and runs back. 黄猫被老头从窗口扔出去后,它赶紧跑到洗染店,在红染缸里打个滚,又跑了回来.

10. The old man carries the red cat in and gives it fish and says it is more beautiful than the yellow cat. 老头把红猫抱进屋,给它吃鱼,还直夸它比黄猫漂亮.

11. But a week later, the old man gets tired of it. He loves someone else’s black cat. 可一星期后,老头开始讨厌红猫了,因为他看上别人养的一只黑猫.

12. The red cat jumps out of the window by itself. Soon a black cat knocks at the door. 这回没等老头动手,红猫自己从窗口跳了出去.不一会,一只黑猫又敲老头家的门等

13. The old man gives it small shrimps5 and says, “You know I love black cat, too.” 老头高兴地给黑猫吃虾米,还说:“你也知道我想要只黑猫呀!”

14. However, after a few days, the old man begins to love his neighbor’s white cat. The black cat washes himself in the water vat. 然而,几天后,老头又看上邻居家养的那只白猫,黑猫赶紧跳到水缸里

15. The black cat becomes white. The old man recognizes6 it is his favorite white cat. He is ashamed7, “It’s my fault. I’ve abandoned8 you again and again, but you never dislike me.” 黑猫变成了白猫.老头终于认出它就是自己曾经最喜欢的白猫,很惭愧地说:“都怪我不好,一次次扔掉你,可你从来没有嫌弃我.”




1、 车猫前行 “其实这一轮融资,的确有一点出乎我们意料。”二手车电商车猫网联合创始人、高级副总裁韩光裕在接受《二十一世纪商业评论》(下称《21CBR》)记者采。

2、 中央党校教授周天勇天猫双11奇迹基于社会化大协作 2020年中国全面建成小康社会,需要攻坚的是农民、农业和农村发展的不平衡,是完成农村贫困人口的脱贫致富。振兴农村、发展农业、富裕农民方面,分散的。

3、 只买对的不买贵的虎妈猫爸学区房攻略 “进不了好小学,就进不了好中学;进不了好中学,就进不了好大学;进不了好大学,孩子这辈子就完了。”《中国式离婚》里的这句台词,反映了时下不少家长的。

4、 天猫双11催生新物种 天猫双11前夕,一则怪诞的招聘启事在互联网上扩散:阿里巴巴要招机器人“饲养员”。应聘者要教机器人宝宝“学说话”,帮其尽快掌握未知知识,还要“科学。

5、 天猫读书App上线 6月11日,阿里巴巴文化娱乐集团CFO、阿里文学CEO字乾对外发布电子书阅读产品“天猫读书”App。即日起,用户在淘宝、天猫购买部分纸质书时可以。

6、 奢侈品品牌涌入天猫 开云集团旗下的奢侈品品牌Stella McCartney在2017年12月中旬宣布入駐阿里巴巴的天猫Tmall Space快闪店,出售包括Fal。