
关于遮盖论文范文 遮盖背后的新生相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:遮盖论文 更新时间:2024-03-31





Everything is started about one year and a half ago, when I’ve bought some big lots of vintage photos and postcard from eBay because I’ve always loved to collect things as found stuff of any kind of material. Once I’ve had all these photos in my hands I just thought: why don’t put my collected stuff on them? So I started to do this collages. The result satiied me so much, I felt really good and I didn’t want to stop anymore. Every collage artwork is basically composed of three elements: my life background, my inspirations and subconscious, that is also the glue that puts all together.

In all these images (and in most of my collage artworks) I tried to “cover” the faces of the subjects to play and to reinvent their new “role” in the society, and/or with their identity. Once you cannot see them, or you just can see a little fragment of them, they can become everyone. Even when you can see their faces, I try to tranorm completely the meaning of the original shot. The purpose of my collage project is to recover the identities on these forgotten people and to give them a brand new life.



1、 降准背后转向信号 央行6月24日发布公告,将从2018年7月5日起,下调国有大型商业银行、股份制商业银行、邮政储蓄银行、城市商业银行、非县域农村商业银行、外资银行。

2、 走出京东京东金融和银行联姻背后 摆脱“富二代”光环独立成长的企图,促使京东金融进行转型革命,以前所未有的开放姿态热情拥抱银行业。8月14日,京东集团发布2017年第二季度财报。

3、 全球最佳创投人背后十家公司 4月3日,《福布斯》发布了“2018年全球最佳创投人”榜单。在这份创投人榜单背后,是数家表现活跃的公司造就了他们的“金手指”。《福布斯》也藉此推。

4、 逃离新三板背后 新三板对解决中小微企业融资难问题的探索仍然值得鼓励。主动摘牌、转战并购重组市场、冲击IPO……越来越多的新三板挂牌企业用自己的方式离开这个曾经。

5、 特朗普对华贸易激进措施难产背后 3月1日白宫邀请美国钢铁和铝企业与总统特朗普进行座谈,并对外声称此安排为“倾听会谈”,但就在会谈中,特朗普对外正式宣布对所有进口钢铁征收25%、。

6、 智能家居设备背后的黑洞 谁都没想到,亚马逊会卷进一起谋杀案,还成为案件的焦点。这是2015年11月的一天,堪萨斯州47岁的前警官Victor Collins在参加朋友。