
关于不同树形论文范文 4种不同树形对矮化中间砧苹果树树体结构和产量品质的影响相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:不同树形论文 更新时间:2024-02-03


摘 要:為探索适宜苹果矮砧现代栽培模式果园的树形,连续2年以7年生矮化中间砧苹果树(烟富3/ M26/八棱海棠,株行距1.0 m×4.0 m)为试材,研究4种不同树形(高纺锤形、细长纺锤形、改良纺锤形、小冠疏层形),对树体发育、果园结构、枝类组成、产量及果实品质的影响.结果表明:高纺锤形结构最优,树高、冠幅、果园覆盖率和树冠透光率分别为368 cm、215 cm × 135 cm、40.0%和24.5%,中短枝比率为74.9% ,其次是细长纺锤形(354 cm、241 cm × 148 cm、49.4%和21.8%,中短枝比率71.4%).四种树形的叶片Pn、SPAD及叶面积指数以高纺锤形的最高(分别为20.6 μmol·m-2·s-1,60.7,3.3),其次是细长纺锤形(分别为20.1 μmol·m-2·s-1,59.2,3.1).连续2年平均单位面积产量、着色指数、光洁指数、果型指数、果肉硬度,均以高纺锤形树形最大,分别为73.52 t·hm-2、80%、79%、83.5%、8.8 kg·cm-2;平均单果质量以小冠疏层形最大(238.2 g),可溶性固形物含量以细长纺锤形的最大(15.87%),其次为高纺锤形(15.54%)、改良纺锤形(14.9%)、小冠疏层形(14.51%).综合来看,苹果矮砧现代栽培模式果园较为适宜的树形为高纺锤形.


中图分类号:S661.1 文献标识码:A DOI 编7码:10.3969/j.issn.1006-6500.2018.06.014

Effects of Four Different Tree Shapes on the Structure, Yield and Quality of Apple Trees

WANG Laiping, XUE Xiaomin, NIE Peixian, AN Miao, WANG Jinzheng

(Shandong Institute of Pomology, Tai"an, Shandong 271000, China)

Abstract: In order to explore the suitable tree shape for the cultivation of the modern dwarf cultivation mode apple orchard, the apple trees (Yanfu 3 / M26 / Octagon, 1.0 m×4.0 m) were used for the test material to study the influences of four tree shapes (high spindle shape, slender spindle shape, improved spindle shape, sparse canopy shape) on the tree development, orchard structure, branch composition, yield and fruit quality. The results showed that the high spindle structure was the best, which the tree height, crown diameter, orchard coverage, canopy light tranittance, and the ratio of medium and short branch were 368 cm, 215 cm x 135 cm, 40.0%, 24.5%, and 74.9% respectively, followed by the slender spindle (354 cm, 241 cm × 148 cm, 49.4%, 21.8%, and 71.4%). There was the highest Pn, SPAD and leaf area indices in high spindle of the four tree shapes, and the relative indices were 20.6 μmol·m-2·s-1, 60.7, and 3.3 respectively, followed by the slender spindle (20.1 μmol·m-2·s-1, 59.2, 3.1). The erage yield of 2 consecutive years, color index, ooth index, fruit index, and pulp hardness of the high spindle were 73.52 t ·hm-2, 80%, 79%, 83.5%, and 8.8 kg · cm-2 respectively, showing superior to the other 3 shapes; the sparse canopy had the largest erage fruit weight(238.2 g); while the slender spindle had the highest SSC (15.87%), followed by high spindle (15.54%), improved spindle (14.9%), and all sparse canopy (14.51%). Totally, the high spindle shape is more suitable for the modern dwarf cultivation apple orchard.



1、 苹果矮化中间砧苗繁育技术 摘要:矮化中间砧苗苹果苗是用海棠或野苹果繁育的实生苗作为基砧,在基砧上嫁接矮化砧控制树体生长,再在矮化砧上嫁接苹果品种。苹果矮化中间砧苗和矮化自。

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