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关于跟踪论文范文 跟踪导练(四)相关论文写作参考文献

分类:论文范文 原创主题:跟踪论文 更新时间:2024-02-04




When someone wants to he a new life, he/she is more willing to make some changes in his/her life and in his/her outlook. Actually slight changes can make one’s life different.

Those slight changes are easier to put into action. To change the all parts rather than carry out a big plan for a series of big stuff can make people more likely to focus on it. Take changing the hair style for example. It is a pretty easy task to finish. When I feel happy, I am more willing to change the sheets (床单), clean out some clutter to make my house look better and so on. After doing that, I can feel more control over my life.

The all changes we achieve can also give us more confidence to achieve the big goals. The good results we get from the all changes can bring us a taste of succesul completion. Once a behior has been developed into a habit, we are more likely to do it unconsciously. So start with all goals, for example to read five to ten pages of a book you think boring but really useful for you every day rather than force yourself to finish it in one day. That’s a wiser way to achieve the big goal.

On the other hand, by making all changes, we may ask ourselves, “How can I apply this process to the bigger thing that I want?” and then keep on going, especially when we find those changes can make us feel the power to make positive changes.

Start with a all decision. Who knows where we will go far in the end?

1. Why does the author advise us to make slight changes first if we want to lead a new life?

A. Because slight changes are half a success.

B. Because slight changes are more important.

C. Because slight changes don’t need planning.

D. Because slight changes are easy to carry out.

2. What does the underlined word “clutter” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Necessary furniture.

B. Something very useful.

C. Old electric equipment.

D. Things lying about untidily.

3. The author takes reading a book for example to show readers ___ .

A. reading is an important task

B. how to become wiser by reading

C. how a hard task can become easy

D. reading is very interesting and useful

4. What does the author mainly tell us to do if we want some changes in our life?

A. Start with all changes.

B. Make great progress at a time.

C. Read more books every day.



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