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关于职高论文范文 改编短剧法在职高英语阅读教学中应用举例相关论文写作参考文献

分类:发表论文 原创主题:职高论文 更新时间:2024-02-24


【摘 要】在职高英语第二册Unit 2 Reading A Whose mistake? 一课教学中,作者以学生为主体,以小组活动为途径,让学生改编成短剧表演.并引导学生进行点评,找出不足,予以纠正.激发学生主动学习积极性,训练学生自学技巧,取得了较好效果.

【关键词】职高 英语教学 学生自主 短剧表演 点评


在职高英语阅读课教学中,采取学生自读为主、老师指导为辅的方式,以小组活动为途径,让学生改编成短剧表演.训练学生的口语能力,调动积极性,提升教学效果.现以职高英语语文版修订本第二册Unit 2 Reading A Whose mistake? 为例.










(1)Bill手举“One hot day,at the school gate”的牌子.白:I’m waiting for my brother,Joe. I think he must have got a note the headmaster to my father. Because I stayed away from school and went swimming this afternoon.

Joe上,Bill:I suppose you’ve got a note for Father,will you give it to Father?

Joe:I must,Bill. I promised the headmaster. He is sure to ask me tomorrow.

Bill:Look here,Joe. If you give it to Father,I’ll have to run away from home again. If you don’t,I’ll go to school every day. I’ll never fight or tell lies,and I love you,Joe.


Bill换“ The note flies up with the wind and comes to rest on a very high branch of a big old tree”的牌子.

(2)Bill手舉“Sometime in the night,Bill wakes up and finds Joe sitting up in bed,crying”牌子.

Bill:Why,what’s the matter,Joe?

Joe(哭):I’ve never done such a thing before. The master trusted me. If he asks me tomorrow,I’ll have to tell a lie.

Bill:Then tell the truth,Joe. It’ll soon be over.

Joe:Oh,no,it won’t. He will never trust me any more. Oh,you don’t know how Mother takes on about it,nor how it’ll hurt Father! I’ve deceived the master,Mother and Father today,just because you’re so-so selfish.

Bill 举“Joe lies down and cries himself to sleep”牌子.

(3)牌子“ Next day,Bill fell from the tree,and now he is in hospital”

Bill(递纸条给Joe):I went for the note. Here it is; say you forgot it last night. Tell the master I’m sorry – tell the master he’ll never have to send a note any more – that’s all.


(1)Bill 边走边说:It’s too hot. Oh,I want to go swimming. Yeah,I stay from school. Oh,It’s a good idea.

(2)校长室.校长:Joe,your brother stayed from school today. I wrote a note. Please bring it to your father.

Joe 惭愧的点头,拿走纸条.


Bill:I suppose you’ve got a note for Father,will you give it to Father?

Joe:I must,Bill. I promised the headmaster. He is sure to ask me tomorrow.



1、 任务型阅读法在初中英语阅读教学中应用 摘 要:阅读对学习好一门语言很重要,阅读对学好英语更重要,阅读教学在现在的初中英语教学中中占据了很重要的一部分。新课改后的教学大纲要求,在初中英。

2、 初中英语阅读教学反思和探析 摘 要:随着时代不断发展,全球化趋势越来越强,英语作为全球通用语言在教学中的地位也越来越高。初中是学生英语学习承上启下的重要阶段,这时期学生会接。

3、 初中英语阅读教学有效性探析 摘 要:本文针对目前初中英语阅读教学存在的低效现象,对提升初中英语阅读教学的有效性进行几点探析。关键词:初中英语;阅读教学;有效性;探究阅读。

4、 任务型教学在城镇英语阅读教学中运用 摘 要:任务型教学模式与传统英语阅读教学模式相比有明显的优势,能够激发学生的主动性与创造性,提高学生英语综合能力。本文对任务型教学模式在初中英语。

5、 初中英语阅读教学和反思 【摘要】初中英语阅读是十分重要的课程,对于初中阶段的学生而言,提升自身的口语表达和阅读能力都是非常重要的。但是从目前的情况上来看,我国初中英语阅。

6、 中学英语阅读教学中存在障碍应略 新课标明确提出了英语课程的工具性目标,就是要求英语阅读教学“以培养学生通过英语课程掌握基本的英语语言知识,发展英语听、说、读、写技能,为今后继续。