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关于贸促论文范文 2018年全国贸促工作会议在京召开贸促工作助力贸易强国建设相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:贸促论文 更新时间:2024-03-15




CCPIT Work Conference was held in Beijing

On 5 February, China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) host its work planning conference in Beijing. The conference summarized the achievements in the past five years, and analyzed current situation and tasks. CCPIT Chairman Jiang Zengwei gave a general report. Delegates from CCPIT sub-councils all around the country and worldwide representatives attended the meeting.

This year, CCPIT work plans including focusing on trade and economic cooperation with 20 countries and economic cooperation zones, and will provide support for enterprises with clear development blueprint to go abroad through trade fairs, investment seminars, business delegation visits.



会展中心总裁兼首席执行官Alan Steel表示,“贾维茨会展中心是国际性的商务与文化中心.通过这些全新的线上服务平台,客户可以更加方便地对会展中心进行访问并享受到各项需要的服务.”

Javits Center launched new online ordering platform

New York based Javits Center has launched Jake, a new online portal on which exhibitors can order over 200 products and services for upcoming events at the convention centre on Manhattan’s West Side. It is featured on the redesigned and revamped website of the venue. Additionally, an internal software platform called OneJavits has been launched to interface with Jake and further modernise day-to-day operations. This new software will automate the scheduling of work assignments and integrate these assignments with customer orders to ensure a more efficient process and outcome. "The Javits Center is an international hub of commerce and culture, and this new online portal will make it easier than ever for our customers to visit and unveil their latest idea or invention," said President and CEO Alan Steel.


2018年1月,Simon Burgess升任澳大利亚阿德莱德会议中心(ACC)总经理.他具有超过20年的工作经验,在过去5年间担任ACC会展销售部总监.此外, ACC商务发展部的Erryn Dryga女士升任会议中心会展销售部高级销售经理.Erryn Dryga于2012年加入ACC,并在过去五年间极大地扩展了会议中心的业界关系,使得来自澳大利亚国内的会展业务大幅增加.

Simon Burgess to head Adelaide Convention Centre

In January 2018, Simon Burgess has been promoted to general manager of Adelaide Convention Centre (ACC). Having more than 20 years’ experience under his belt, for the past five years he has worked as Director– Convention and Exhibition Sales at the ACC. Additionally, Erryn Dryga has been promoted from a business development position to Senior Sales Manager – Conventions and Exhibitions. She joined the Adelaide Convention Centre team in 2012 and over the past five years has played a critical role in developing key industry relationships, which has resulted in increased national conference business.



1、 2018年人才培养专项工作实施方案 为紧紧围绕“建设两个品牌,加快转型提升,坚实走好建设冀北公司企业大学的第二步”战略目标,加快人才队伍建设畅通人才成长成才路径,特制定本方案。一。

2、 中华职业教育社温暖工程专题工作会议在京召开 2月23日,中华职业教育社温暖工程专题工作会议在京召开。中华职业教育社总干事、中华同心温暖工程基金会副理事长兼秘书长王金宝出席会议并讲话,中华职。

3、 2018巴塞尔全 2016年的巴塞尔国际珠宝钟表展在约14万平方米的巴塞尔展览中心举行。作为整个行业公认的引领潮流的盛事之一,巴塞尔表展堪称是腕表趋势的风向标。现。

4、 基于ERP医院全成本核算工作 摘要:近年来,随着经济水平的不断提升,人们逐渐对医疗卫生领域的产品提出了更高的要求。然而目前我国多数医院存在管理制度不完善,消耗程度大等现象。因。

5、 辽宁审计厅三方面优化2018年电子数据采集工作 本报讯(记者 米太平)为扎实推进审计全覆盖,强化大数据审计,辽宁省审计厅近日全面启动了2018年省本级和各市相关部门电子数据采集报送工作。据了。