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关于壁画论文范文 魏晋五号壁画墓保存环境中空气微生物监测相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:壁画论文 更新时间:2024-01-16


内容摘 要:本研究利用FA-I型便携式空气微生物采样器和分子技术,对魏晋五号壁画墓保存环境空气中可培养细菌和真菌的浓度、粒径分布、群落组成进行了监测和分析.结果表明:墓室内外空气中细菌、真菌微粒浓度差异极显著.分子鉴定与系统发生分析显示,墓室内外主要细菌类群组成相似,而真菌类群组成具有较大差异.放线菌、枝孢属、青霉属和链格孢属等大量存在于墓室空气中,成为威胁砖壁画保存的重要污染源.墓室内长期较高的相对湿度和较为封闭的保存环境,是引起小粒径微生物增殖的关键因素.建议阶段性地打开展览厅大门,增加墓室内外的空气交流.


中图分类号:K854.3;X83 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-4106(2013)06-0109-08

Monitoring and Research on Microbes in the Environment of the Wall Paintings

in No. 5 of the Wei and Jin Tombs

E Jun1 WU Fasi2,3,4,5 WANG Wanfu2,3,4,5 CHEN Gengling1

ZHAO Linyi2,3,4,5 HE Dongpeng2,3,4 XU Ruihong2,3,4

(1. Gansu Provincial Museum, Lanzhou, Gansu 730050; 2. National Research Center for Preservation of Ancient Wall Paintings and Earthen Sites, Dunhuang, Gansu 736200; 3. Key Scientific Research Base for Preservation of Ancient Wall Paintings (SACH), Dunhuang, Gansu 736200; 4. Key Laboratory for Preservation of Ancient Wall Paintings and Earthen Sites in Gansu Province, Dunhuang, Gansu 736200;

5. Preservation Institute, Dunhuang Academy, Dunhuang, Gansu 736200)

Abstract: This paper introduces the monitoring and analysis of concentration, size, distribution, and community structures of the bacteria and fungi cultivable in the air of the environment of the wall paintings on the Wei and Jin tomb bricks with a portable airborne microbe sampler (FA-I) and molecular technology. As the research results indicate, the concentrations of the bacteria and fungi in the air inside and outside the tomb are extremely different. The molecular identification and phylogenetic analysis show that the community structures of the fungi inside and outside the tombs are similar, but the concentrations of the bacteria and fungi particles are very different. Actinomycetes, cladosporium, pinicielium, and alternaria exist in the tomb air in large number, and become an important pollution source threatening the preservation of brick paintings. The long-time higher relative humidity and closed environment of the tombs are key elements that cause the proliferation of fine-size microbe particles. Therefore, we suggest that the gate of the exhibition hall be opened periodically to increase air changes of the tombs.

Keywords: Tombs of Wei and Jin dynasties; Wall paintings on mural bricks; Microbes in the air; Size distribution; Preservation of cultural relics

(Translated by WANG Pingxian)

一、引 言




1、 河北磁县北朝壁画墓服饰文化探析 摘 要:20世纪70年代至今,河北磁县发现了一批北朝壁画墓,这些壁画墓极具考古价值。本文以墓葬图像中人物服饰为研究对象,结合相关历史文献,并以图。

2、 北魏平城时代壁画墓中文化因素 摘 要:平城时代是北魏文化转型的关键阶段。北魏王朝立国凡148年,建都平城96年,也因此在这里留下了诸多的历史遗迹,其中墓葬壁画是反映当时社会习。

3、 馆藏文物保存环境和现状 [摘要]本文认真分析了馆藏文物保存环境的影响因素,整理目前馆藏文物保存环境研究存在的主要问题,并对这些问题提出改进的建议,对馆藏文物保存环境 的。

4、 对一例耕牛五号病处置防治体会 摘 要:1什么是口蹄疫(FMD)口蹄疫又叫五号病,俗称口疮、蹄癀、鹅口疮,是猪、牛的一种高度接触性急性传染病。临床特征:口腔粘膜、蹄部和乳房皮肤。

5、 宁波舟山港船舶定线制一号警戒区通航环境分析 摘 要:宁波舟山港核心港区船舶定线制是对宁波舟山港复杂的交通环境的一次重新的规划,具有历史性的意义,而一号警戒区是这个定线制中最重要的组成部分。。