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关于对外汉语论文范文 对外汉语课程设置总反思和再规划相关论文写作参考文献

分类:毕业论文 原创主题:对外汉语论文 更新时间:2024-04-15


提 要 对外汉语教学主干课程设置缺乏基于汉语汉字及其作为第二语言教学特点的考量,缺乏和当今中国社会语言交际常态形式的关联.建议适当压缩现有必修和选修课课时,增设汉字课、汉语虚词课、汉语书面语课、全拼音口语课、地方普通话课、当地方言课.新的课程设置规划,可凸显汉字“字”“语”兼具的属性,提升并延伸汉字的教学地位和领域;拓展和加强汉语拼音的教学功能;重视汉语书面语的教学;彰显来华学习汉语的优势,拓宽语言学习和习得的范围.

关键词 对外汉语教学;课程设置;汉语虚词;汉语书面语;地方普通话;当地方言

Curriculum Design for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language: Reflection and Replanning

Li Quan

Abstract This paper seeks to reflect on the problems of curriculum planning in teaching Chinese as a second language, thereby reforming the current curriculum design. The discipline of teaching Chinese as a second language has at least two major deficiencies in its curriculum planning. One is that course designers have no clear understanding of the characteristics of Chinese language and Chinese characters in the framework of second language learning. The other is that the courses stand aloof from the authentic Chinese language communication in China. In order to revamp the existing curriculum design and system, more relevant courses should be opened based on the characteristics of Chinese language and Chinese characters as well as the availability of language resources. Specifically, the class hours for compulsory and elective courses should be reduced properly, and courses such as Chinese characters, Chinese functioning words, written Chinese, Pinyin-mediated spoken Chinese, local Mandarin and dialects need to be added. The new curriculum planning and design would be of significance in several aspects. Firstly, it highlights both the “characters” and the “language” in Chinese, and enhances the status of Chinese characters in teaching. Secondly, it expands and strengthens the functions of Pinyin in Chinese teaching. Thirdly, it pays more attention to the teaching of Chinese written language. Finally, the planning demonstrates the advantages of learning Chinese in China compared to learning it in other countries. In this way, the scope of language learning and acquisition could be broadened, and the efficiency of Chinese learning could be improved.

Key words teaching Chinese as a second language; curriculum design; Chinese functioning words; Chinese written language; local Mandarin; dialects

一、引 言

課程是完成教学内容和实现教学目标的载体,课程设置规划是学科研究和建设的重要内容.对外汉语教学课程是完成对外汉语教学总体目标或专项目标的基本保障.20世纪80年代以来,来华留学生汉语进修教育持续发展了30余年,课程建设也随着教学理论、教学实践和教学需求的多样化以及现代教育技术的发展而不同程度地得到更新和完善,并积累了不少研究成果(如吕必松 1986;李杨 1992,1997;陈田顺 1999;国家汉办 2002a,2002b;李泉 2006;李晓琪 2006;孙德金 2014;孔子学院总部/国家汉办 2014;郭睿 2015等).



1、 传播效果理论议程设置功能在对外汉语网络课堂中应用 摘要:伴随着网络信息革命的发展,网络传播方式不断翻新,网络课堂便是新媒体时代重要的信息产物之一。近年来网络课堂的兴起与发展也得到了广大受众的欢迎。

2、 课程设置和人才培养 摘 要:新世纪的卓越人才培养,特别是“卓越教师”培养机制的创新,是个崭新的话题,本文用以点带面的形式,从国家教育部“卓越教师”培养措施,来探讨当。

3、 对外汉语教学和汉语国际教育和展望 摘 要:随着我国经济水平的不断发展,对外汉语教学与汉语国际教育也随之得到了相应的发展与改变。对外汉语主要指的就是以其他语言为母语的国家的人为对象。

4、 应用型高校创业教育课程设置模式探析 摘要:从世界范围看,课程设置是高校开展创业教育的核心。从实践角度看,我国应用型高校创业教育课程设置形成了与专业教育紧密结合模式、基于“三创”的模。

5、 数控加工专业课程设置教学方法改革 摘 要:本文就数控加工专业课程设置及教学方法改革进行探索,提出数控加工专业应大幅压缩文化课的比例,同时要精选教材,结合本校实际自编教材。在教学中。