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关于脑瘫患儿论文范文 循证护理对脑瘫患儿医院感染预防作用相关论文写作参考文献

分类:本科论文 原创主题:脑瘫患儿论文 更新时间:2024-03-13



[摘 要] 目的 探讨循证护理对脑瘫患儿医院感染的预防作用.方法 采用临床资料查证法,随机选取该院2014年7月—2016年6月收治的136例脑瘫患儿为观察组,按照护理方法的不同,随机选取2012年7月—2014年6月间收治的136例患儿作为对照组,对对照組患儿实施常规一般护理,观察组在此基础上,增加循证护理干预措施,比较两组患儿的临床护理效果.结果 观察组患儿的临床感染率5.88%(8/136)明显低于对照组患儿临床感染率26.47%(36/136),两组数据差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组平均住院时间、住院平均开支、康复恢复指数、认知程度提高等级分别为(35.8±3.5)d、(60 000±1 000.0)元、(89±3.0)%、(3±1.0)明显优于对照组(92.4±0.8)d、(10 000±1 000.0)元、(72±5.0)%、(2±1.0)等级,两组数据差异有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 循证护理对脑瘫患儿医院感染的预防效果明确,具有较高的控感染能力,同时在住院时间、住院平均开支、康复恢复指数、认知程度提高等级上明显优于常规一般护理,值得临床大力推广应用.

[关键词] 循证护理;脑瘫患儿;医院感染;预防作用

[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-0742(2017)06(a)-0166-03

Predictive Effect of Evidence-based Nursing on the Hospital Infection of Cerebral Palsy Children

LIU Shu-hua

Department of Pediatrics, Quangang District Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, 362000 China

[Abstract] Objective To discuss the predictive effect of evidence-based nursing on the hospital infection of cerebral palsy children. Methods A total of 13 6 children with cerebral palsy treated in our hospital from July 2014 to June 2016 were randomly selected from the observation group. According to the different nursing methods, the patients were randomly selected from July 2012 to June 2014 Of the 13 patients in the control group, the control group of patients with routine general care, the observation group on this basis, increased evidence-based care intervention measures, compared the two groups of patients with clinical care. Results The clinical infection rate in the observation group was obviously lower than that in the control group[5.88%(8/136) vs 26.47%(36/136)], and the difference was statistically significant, (P<0.05), and the average length of stay, average expense, recovery index and cognitive degree improvement grade in the observation group were obviously better than those in the control group[(35.8±3.5)d,(60 000±1 000.0)yuan,(89±3.0)%,(3±1.0) vs (92.4±0.8)d,(10 000.0±1000.0)yuan,(72±5.0)%,(2±1.0)] and the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05). Conclusion The predictive effect of evidence-based nursing for the hospital infection cerebral palsy children is definite with higher infection control ability, at the same time, the length of stay, average expense, recovery index and cognitive degree improvement grade are obviously better than those of routine nursing, which is worth clinical great promotion and application.

[Key words] Evidence-based nursing; Cerebral palsy children; Hospital infection; Predictive function



1、 循证护理在妇科肿瘤合并糖尿病患者围术期护理中的影响 [摘要] 目的 探讨循证护理在妇科肿瘤合并糖尿病患者围术期护理中的影响。 方法 选取该院2015年9月—2017年8月收治的94例妇科肿瘤并发糖。

2、 老年2型糖尿病患者实施循证护理效果观察 [摘要] 目的 探讨循证护理在老年2型糖尿病患者中的实施效果。 方法 根据护理模式不同将2015年3月—2016年3月收治的92例老年2型糖尿病。

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