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关于商业伙伴论文范文 2018年UFI人力资源大奖HR作为重要商业伙伴相关论文写作参考文献

分类:职称论文 原创主题:商业伙伴论文 更新时间:2024-01-16





Fundamental business partner

Exhibition companies are undergoing huge changes in their internal departments. To honour best practices in the field of HR within the industry, the 2018 UFI Human Resources Award has chosen the theme “Successful changes in the exhibition industry: The strategic role of HR as Business Partners”. This award competition is open to companies that have successfully developed a programme for staff to evolve, based on the role of HR as Business Partners. The HR Business Partner participates actively in the overall company strategy and respects the company’s economic objectives, placing emphasis on the human element. The deadline for application is 19 March 2018 at award@ufi.org


2017年,纽伦堡展览公司的非每年一届的展会正好全部都不在举办年份(该情况每十二年出现一次),公司预期收入仅为2亿欧元.但公司首席执行官Peter Ottmann和Roland Fleck对此已表示相当满意.



Nürnbergmesse satisfied even in its “dog year”

Growth, dynamics, and sustainability, those are the current triple aims of Nürnbergmesse – and this in a “dog year”, which only comes round every twelve years, when all non-annual events simultaneously have their year off. Expectations were not particularly high and the exhibition company managers forecast corporate revenue of roughly 200 million euros for 2017.

In 2005, i.e. in the last “dog year”, sales revenue was only 96 million euros. For 2018, the two managing directors are aiming to “match the group revenue of the record year 2016”, i.e. 275 million euros. This was borne out by the event figures in the core segment of the company’s own and partner events. In figures: visitors: +4%, stand area: +7%, and exhibitors: +11%. For the Nuremberg trade fair executives, too, that means: The international figures are above the overall figures, strong growth is coming from abroad.

Dmg收購HI Design酒店室内展

近日,时尚产业论坛以及HI Design系列展会的主办方Atticus Events公司被dmg中东及亚非分公司收购.自此,dmg公司的餐饮与室内设计展会业务进一步扩张.

HI Design 展会针对奢侈酒店室内设计领域,包括一系列业内行家会议,并邀请当地以及全球的精品酒店买家前来参会.目前,展会每年一届,在欧洲、亚洲和中东均有举办,下届展会将于2018年3月4-6日在巴林首都麦纳麦举行.

展会的创始人表示,dmg的餐饮和设计领域的展会体系将使得HI Design展会更加成功,而展会原班运作团队中的很多成员也将继续与dmg团队共事.

HI Design acquired by dmg

The boutique business forum organiser Atticus Events, organiser of HI Design events, has been acquired by dmg events Middle East, Asia & Africa, adding to the company’s portfolio of events for the hospitality and interior design market. With each edition held in a different five star hotel location, HI Design events are currently run annually in Europe, Asia and MEA.

The next event is scheduled for March 4 to 6, 2018 and will be held in Manama, Bahrain. HI Design founders Jonathan Needs and James Burke, commented: “The dmg events hospitality and design portfolio will provide an ideal environment for HI Design to continue to flourish. It is also great news that a number of our colleagues who have worked with us for many years will carry on doing so with dmg.”



1、 2018年中国人力资源管理十大观察 2013年,中国企业人力资源管理领域发生了很大的变化。在这一年中,这个领域里究竟发生了哪些重大事件?这些事件反映出中国企业人力资源管理处于怎样的。

2、 2018年人力资源行业七大热词 云组织云组织是互联网时代的一种企业组织和合作形态,是在虚拟企业和企业联盟的理念基础上延伸、发展、演变而来的。随着大量的公共商用或免费信息基础。

3、 网络培训在电力企业人力资源管理中作用 摘要:在电力能源运用涉及社会各个方面的今天,电力资源的稳定性对我国经济的发展和人民生活的安全性都有着很大的影响。在电力企业中,人才是促进企业发展。

4、 员工测评和选拔角度分析当前人力资源管理可行性 摘要:现代企业的发展与人力资源管理之间有着直接关系,在市场经济条件下企业之间的竞争力日益激烈,与此同时,中小型企业数量也在不断增加,这些都对企业。

5、 人力资源管理课教学情境创设 摘 要:在《人力资源管理》的教学中,运用情境创设教学方法,根据教学目标的需要恰当设计情境,有利于提高学生学习的主动性、积极性和创造性,有利于培养。

6、 基层央行人力资源管理绩效审计评价模型 摘 要:本文运用AHP(层次分析法)的核心理念,结合基层央行的履职目标和业务特点,从经济性、效率性、效果性三个层面,构建了基层央行人力资源绩效审。