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分类:职称论文 原创主题:智能住宅论文 更新时间:2024-04-09


For Internet addicts, it could be the ultimate way to stay in touch without going out—an entire apartment turned into a giant, online screen. A Spanish design agency named Think Big Factory has made it available by creating an intelligent house.

The entire system of the house can be controlled from anywhere by using gestures or speech. The walls show Facebook updates and life-sized friends during video chats by using projectors and sensors, just like a giant iPad.

Everything in the house can be used to communicate, and the interface is ubiquitous. Through projections that are activated by the presence of a person, we can control everything with the movement of the hands, including switching the lights on and off and turning on electrical household appliances, etc.

The main interface of the system is in the living room, where you can see social networks, browse magazines, and play music just using gestures. The system uses sensing cameras to track users, aiming to replace the keyboards and remote controls and allowing users to swipe in mid-air to move through menu.

Much of the technology in the intelligent house is invisible, so the house does not look different from a common house.

The first inhabitant has already moved into the experimental apartment. He is using some parts of the house, and researchers are learning from that so as to develop and improve the technology.



1、 让梦想照进现实 这是一个“秀”的时代。有的人把“秀”当作跳板,不自知却足够“自信”的人在人们的唾骂声中一下子便火了起来;有的人把“秀”当作舞台,有梦想且执着追求。

2、 寻梦环游记当梦想照进现实 我们对外国电影的翻译一直走的是两个极端,诸如《乱世佳人》《魂断蓝桥》等经典影片的翻译直到今天提起来都为我国深厚的文化底蕴感到自豪,而像那些《机器。

3、 逐梦者胡润东让理想照进现实 1982年出生的胡润东,身上有着“80后”一辈的勇敢无畏、豪气干云,又兼具与其年龄不相称的沉着冷静、淡然从容,正是这些特质,促成他从大学毕业生到。

4、 金砖银行梦想照进现实 金砖国家新开发银行是金砖国家合作机制的重要组成部分,是金砖国家实现共同发展的助推器,为金砖国家引领南南合作注入新动力。“它是金砖成员国加强合作。

5、 如梦之梦何照进现实 大陆版《如梦之梦》今年演到第五年,逐渐成为一部成熟的商业戏剧作品。与之相关的新闻非常多,从8个小时到环形舞台,从30多位演员100多个角色再到胡。

6、 当虚拟照进现实 巨头争相布局虚拟现实技术,产品商用化进程明显提速,成为资金追逐的风口。VR产业链逐渐成熟,对于创业者来说,中型需求的上游零部件生产或许是个不错的。